what is scout's definition of fine folks

People from far and wide came to town to watch the trail as Miss Maudie exclaimed, Look at all those folks. $24.99 The men realized the lack of compassion and respect they were showing to Atticus. He is also very successful, showing that just because you may have black friends or family, it doesnt mean that you cannot be successful. This is an understandably hard thing for the children to understand, but Atticuss willingness to go there anyway speaks to his faith in their ability to eventually figure it out. They were looking down in shame. They learned a lot about how different Cals church was from theirs, like when they were introduced to a whole new stlye of music. Although they go about their activities as if nothing is wrong. Jem and Scout try to come up with a definition of Aunt Alexandra's mysterious term "background." If i was Harper Lee I would describe courage the way Atticus views it. Jem knew that In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politics (145). Here Scout realizes that a double standard applies to white people who want to associate with black people. Atticus hopes that the bitterness and racism that the trial is bound to stir up do not affect his children. While Aunt Alexandra's is based on family history. He gets passed from relative to relative (82) which also shows he is not as likely to have people to genuinley care for him. Dolphus, as one person, summed up everyones beliefs and thoughts about Atticus trial and how blacks and white felt about each other. When a group of men arrived at Atticus doorstep at night, the men started arguing. He lies to them so they will want to be his friends and respect them. Folks. Throughout the novel, liking fiddle music is code for being poor and provincial. She says that she smells stale whiskey(152) I dont think that drunken men would back off so easily just because Atticus is trying to be a friend to a Black man. Naw, Jem, I think theres just one kind of folks. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% He's ruinin' the family, that's what he's doin'." Sometimes I think I'm a total failure as a parent, but I'm all they've got. Dill feels the need to lie because of the tiny amount of attention he receives from his family so while he is with Jem and Scout he wants to feel like he is accepted and belongs with them. From his drinking out of a sack (160) to his mixed child[ren], (160) Dolphus teaches the reader of the gap between a southern white man and a southern black man, and what happens when the two combine. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Jems reaction to the men arriving at his home to speak with Atticus consisted mostly of terror. He prefers to sit with the rest of the blacks because he is more comfortable with them than with whites. I definitely think that is what Aunt Alexandra does which is sad because he does a better job raising them on his own then he does with her help. I too never thought of it that way. Jem and Scouts visit to Calpurinas church could be described as educational. Scout's definition of "Fine Folks" is based on what their actions are (something they have control over), while Aunt Alexandra's is based on their family history (uh, can't help the crazy cousins). When Atticus came back inside, Jem asked, they were after you, werent they? (146) Atticus however, is not worried at all about the men being outside, and welcomes them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get a free blog at WordPress.com Scout and Jems father, Atticus, is helping Tom Robinson, who was a follower at First Purchase and probably Lulas friend. Atticus takes the long view here and suggests that its wrong to believe things will never changeeventually, white people wont be able to get away with mistreating black people poorly, though those that try will still be immoral and wrong. Harper Lee included him as becoming the symbol for racism in the era, and how strong prejuicies were. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Willing to sacrifice himself for Scout when they are attacked by Bob Ewell. Rather, its power and privilege that do that. The children were discussing the possible appearance of Boo Radley when Dill suggested he had a very long beard. Here, Scout is thinking about Mayella Ewell, and the way Mayellas lower-class status constrict her socially. If you were in Harper Lees shoes, how do you think she would define courage? Scout is just a young girl, and growing up without a mother has impacted the lady shes growing into. If a sentence is already correct, write C. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. At first, Lula, a member of the church, asks Calpurnia what shes doing with white chillun [at church. He then proceeded to walk to Maycomb. Here are the notes on the trip. "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head," was the. Teachers and parents! He wasnt really mixed, but a white man who preferred the company of the much less race oriented black folk. [and] she was the bravest person i ever knew, (112). You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Contrast Aunt Alexandras definition of fine folks with Scouts definition of fine folks. 2. Log In To Your . 7. 4. For example, she did not understand why Reverend Sykes collected money for Tom Robinsons and how the church did not have hymnbooks for everybody. It was definitely a good learning experience for the children. In chapter one when Dill is first introduced he comes across as a proud child. One by one, the congregation came forward and dropped nickels and dimes into a black enameled coffee can (122). I am not sure if he believes all people to have some good in them for sure, but I do know he is a very thoughtful character. What sign of discrimination is evident in the courtroom? Scout respected these people and that is the reason why she calls them Fine Folks.. Jem believed that is was going get out of hand, so he yelled to Atticus that the telephones ringing! (146), and the group disbanded. Dill lies constantly, making up extravagent stories to hide the truth. Coming near the end of the novel, this quote also demonstrates Scouts growing sense of compassion and capacity for independent thought. 4. What else does the jury's behavior tell you about their decision? Atticus already taught Scout not to judge others. 2. Jem thought that they were going to injure him because he was defending Tom Robinsons trial. He knew that the people would soon come to crack under pressure and try to gang up on him. The setting of the story takes place in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1960's. Life for Scout growing up appears difficult because of the Great Depression, racial inequality, white supremacy, and peoples' prejudiced . Aunt Alexandras opinion on fine folks was that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was (130). She believed that the familys customs and traditions were the most important qualities for a good family. This was not entirely correct: I wouldn't fight publicly for Atticus, but the family was private ground. I said did that include the colored folks and Englishmen and he said yes." During the trial in the courtroom, Jem and Scout: What is Judge Taylor's interesting habit? 7.) These children loved their father and were willing to sneak out and endanger themselves to make sure hes alright. They all just wanted attention from their parents. Jem felt obligated to protect his father though Atticus knew there was nothing to worry about. How would you describe Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church? Scout struggles with the definition of fine folks. She begins to understand what it means to be a true lady when Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie put themselves together after the news of Tom's death. You can view our. Reverend of the African church that Tom Robinson was a member of. been raised with this understanding, presumably from Atticus, as it Dolphus was a good example of Fine Folk. 1) Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church proved to be both educational and interesting, although it was not necesarrily pleasant. Church on the Black side of town. Aunt Alexandras idea of fine folk is how long ones family had lived in one certain area and if one lived up to his or her familys requirements. Scouts view is simplistic, even childish, but it boldly rejects the stratification and segregation which pervades Maycomb. Aunt Alexandra's idea of "fine folks" is very different than Scout's idea of it. Jem was afriad for his father and believed that the men were going to hurt him. One evening, Atticus encourages Jem to think of how Mr. Ewell feels. I never understood her preoccupation with heredity. Dill uses lying also as a defense mechanism. Atticus, on the other hand, seemed to not be the least bit alarmed by this. When Atticus went out of town for two weeks, Scout and Jem visited the First Purchase African M.E. While Dolphuss role in the book was minor, it was essential. I wonder why Harper Lee created the character of Dolphus Raymond? 5. -Graham S. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Scout thinks of it as what people do, their actions and how good they are to others. Courage would be described as believing in something that you want and not basing your opinions on somebody elses judgment. Ironically, the person she most wants to please Atticus is least concerned about her acting in a certain way. Why does Atticus feel the length of time the jury deliberated was significant? He becomes wiser and understands ideas like racism Contrast Jems reaction to that of his fathers about themen who visit Atticuss house. "I think it's how long your family's been readin' and writin'. MODELO: As la carne de res, pero sali seca. Is married to a white woman and has bi-racial children. Alexandra is of the belief that the longer a person's family has 3. What is A person who sells flower is called? Kristen, I really like your answer to this question and agree completely. Atticus Finch looks for good in people, but in a multifaceted way. Thats true, I never even thought of it that way. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. How would you describe Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church? How did Atticus come to represent Tom Robinson in the trial? Where Atticus acts calmly, Jem cant seem to hold himself still. How does the mocking bird symbol arise again at this point of the story? Mrs. Dubose knew she was going to die from withdrawal from the morphine but she quit anyway so she would not be dependent on anything when she died. I think he is a good role model in his own way. He was colored children and a colored wife. With a little luck, he manages to set them off and is able to breath once more. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. 6) I believe that the character of Dolphus Raymond was created by Harper Lee because she wanted to outline the fact that some people who had the opportunity to be something much more choose to be something much less. At first they felt as though they did not want [them] there, (119) but as soon as they were able to get past Lula, a cruel black woman that they encountered outside the church, both Scout and Jem calmed. ___, "He can't hear you, Scout, he's out like a light. Matt, I disagree with you. Be specific. Scout shows Mr. Cunningham that Atticus has done no wrong to the Cunninghams so they need to do no harm to Atticus. "If Uncle Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs, that's his own business, like Grandma says, so it ain't your fault. Scout's definition of "Fine Folks" is based on what their actions are (something they have control over), while Aunt Alexandra's is based on their family history (uh, can't help the crazy cousins). What's so wrong with this picture of Mruna social life? His ability to see that the men on the jury are still reasonable people comes from his desire to see good in everybody, since he recognizes that most people contain elements that are both good and bad. He wants to entertain them and make them his friends. Complete your free account to request a guide. 1. He was polite to the men even though they came ti tell him news that was going to upset him. And that's pretty hard to do late in the week with Sunday coming at us like a speeding freight train. This is the best way to define courage, especially when you add, You rarely win, but sometimes you do(120) into the equation. Atticus is a very fair minded man who believes in the justice system. Its like a Roman carnival, (159). An example of Lee trying to show this was in chapter 15 of the novel when Scout stands up for her father no matter what danger it may put her and her family in. (13.32). Dills need to lie comes from a complex web of feeling of loneliness and want for adventure in his life. You go as far as you see fit and dont let anything stop you. He was afraid that the group of men were a gang that was going to hurt Atticus because he was defending Tom Robinson in the trial. I believe that Atticus knew that it could have gotten ugly but was prepared to fight his own battles and didnt want the kids to worry about him. Source (s) Instant PDF downloads. "I had an idea, however, that Aunt Alexandra's appearance on the scene was not so much Atticus's doing as hers. He thinks like a lawyer, and one side of a story is not enough for him to judge someone. Atticus didnt become nervous or scared or flustered. Scout defines "fine folks" to be those who are good on the inside.. how a person acts their goodness and their compassionate hearts. Their upbringing and their family heritage. She tells Atticus she understands why they are claiming Ewell fell on his own knifesays to explain in any other way would be like shooting a mocking bird. Scout's definition of "fine folks" is a. people who do the best they can with the sense they have b. how long people squatted on a patch of land c. people who didn't judge one another people who do the best they can with the sense they have Aunt Alexandra's influence shows when a. When the men ome to talk to Atticus Jem becomes very nervous. Completa con la forma apropiada de ser o estar. Jem was afraid for his fathers safety because he had no idea why the men were there when they knocked unexpectedly on the front door. Why does Atticus sit outside the door of the Maycomb County jail? Scout asked Like your daddys? he aint got a beard, he- Dill stopped as if trying to remember. Scout's costume as a ham keeps her from seeing clearly. Jem was frightened and worried because he thought that his fathers life was in danger. From Aunt Alexandra Scout received the impression that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer they was (130). Atticus essentially proposes here that racism, not the courts or the law, is the problem. LitCharts Teacher Editions. "Atticus told me one time that most of this Old Family stuff's foolishness because everybody's family's just as old as everybody else's. Its when you know youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. This takes true courage when other kids tease her for being a coward and not sticking up for herself. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Why is Atticus sitting at the jail house door? Seven years ago General David Petraeus and analyst Michael O'Hanlon wrote this paean to the U.S. military: The United States has the best military in the world today, by far. She sums up her definition on courage when the character Atticus spoke of Mrs. Dubose after she passed away. courage is [not] a man with a gun in his hand. He is a vengeful man. Since Dill is such a great friend to the Finch children, he constantly makes up lies about his outside life particularly because he wants to keep the friendship between them strong. Aunt Alexandra should have no say in any matter regarding them. Why do you think Dolphus Raymond prefers the company of black people? They found their visit peculiar, in that practices at First Purchase were not like the ones at the white church. I think that Dill lies only to the Finches and their neghborhood because they may be the only good friends that he has and he does not want to ruin their relationship by telling the truth to them. One day, when Jem and Scout are going by her house, she calls Atticus a nigger lover. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Who says this? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Because Mr. Gilmer is so condescending to Tom. Nothins wrong with him. Dill introduce himself as Charles Barker Haris and he can read. he is pround of his accomplishments. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents a life of Jean Louis Finch, also known as Scout, growing up in a small town. [she didnt understand] what idiocracy [she] had committed. Turnense para dar consejos despus de que todo sale mal en una comida. The children probably also noticed that it wasnt just the white people judging the black people, but even the other way around. He was the bridge between black and white, upper and lower class. Jem and Atticus are different, but show striking similarities. She remembered how her father told her,to talk about what they were interested in, not about what you were interested in(154). One of the reasons was that Scout proved that Atticus was not being mean to them and he actually tried to help them on this case. This is another line that illustrates the difference in what Scout understands as a child and what she will come to understand years later. Jem and Scouts confusion (as well as their ability to poke holes in Aunt Alexandras questionable logic) suggests that children have an innate ability to identify prejudice and hypocrisy like this. Scout had stopped a gang of wild animals, simply because theyre still human (157). She had helped her father in this situation by standing up for him. Dont have an account? It is easy to tell from this situation that Jem does not ever want anything to happen to Atticus. 2. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Chapter 10 of To Kill a Mockingbird. I think Harper Less sees courage as facing the task regardless of your expectations of the outcome. Little does Jem know that she is fighting a morphine addiction and is trying to get clean before she dies.After Mrs. Dubose passes away Atticus tell Jem that she died clean and that he admired her very much for her courage. Scout believes that Fine Folk were people that did the best they could with the sence they had. (130). 7. looks at the moral and ethical. Jems reaction to the men who visit Atticus house is different from his fathers. His reasons expand farther than spicing up a story. Scout is confused out what fine folks are because she receives several different definitions of who those people are. In chapter 10 of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem and Scout are looking forward to playing with their air rifles on a Saturday in February.When they get down the street, Jem sees a dog coming toward them. Major problem: it doesn't involve putting people into neat little categories. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs I think Dill tells these stories to keep from feeling miserable and furious with his parents for not showing how much they love and care for him. Why does Aunt Alexandra move into the Finch household? How so, Justin? How does Scout know the verdict before it was read? What indication do we have at the end of chapter 24 that Scout is growing up? He owns all one side of the riverbank. I think that Harper Lee would describe courage as the ability to face difficulties and uncertainty in various situations. Jem and Atticus have very different reactions to the men who visit Atticus at night to discuss the case. The bug is a symbol of the weak and oppressed who are often "stomped on" by the more powerful. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out. He meant that Bob Ewell was responsible regardless of who actually killed him and to let it be. I think that he doesnt stay with these people simply because they are the same color as his wife, but because he holds more sympathy for them than the richer and more knowledgable white folks in Maycomb. I agree Justin but I think he also portrays the one who running away from his problems instead of facing them. What are the main points of Atticus's summation to the jury? Very true. 4. Heck Tate's and Bob Ewell's testimony revealed that: Mayella was beaten on the right side of her face. Atticus thinks that the men are still their friends, just with different racial opinions. Why and how does lateral transfer occur in so many species? Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Want 100 or more? "Atticus said to Jem one day, "I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the backyard, but I know you'll go after birds. A mean elderly woman who lives near the Finch's. Mrs. Dubose is an old woman who yells insults at everyone who walks by her house. people who do the best they can with the sense they have. They, on the other hand, were very excited to have these guests. 6. They realized that they were being cruel and disrespectful to Atticus. Jem, unfamiliar with the motive of why a crowd of men [were] standing around Atticus. (145), responded in the way any twelve-year-old would. It's always wrong to cajole a previously announced theme out of an unwilling text. Why? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Not happy about Scout's idea, Aunt Alexandra says, "We'll see about that They're not our kind of folks" (Lee 298). You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. He is the sort of person that is calm in most situations and tries not to preoccupy himself. (13.28). Jem even screamed Atticus the telephones ringing (146) to get his father away from the gang of men. Racism affects Maycomb county greatly. Scout believes that location or social status has nothing to do with how fine people are. Especially now that Scout knows that a Cunningham wanted to acquit Tom, she understands that theres a world of difference between trash as Atticus defines it and just being from a poor farming family. Aunt Alexandria seems more interested in social class throughout the novel than Scout. Aunt Alexandra doesnt believe that work affects a familys reputation. Overall, Aunt Alexandra and Scout have extremely different opinions on how to be a good family. The visit to Calpurinas church was beneficial to teaching the children about life. Reverend Sykes, the pastor at First Purchase, is very happy that Scout and Jem came to the service and Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem walk back to the house without conflict. She arranges family by blood, while Atticus considers affection and loyalty. That proves something that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. Sure.There's no way for a person to be different from their parents. Harper Lee created Dolphus to show that not everyone in Maycomb had a prejuduce. Heredity is just one of several ways of ranking people that Scout hears throughout the novel. Dill doesnt want anyone to find out the circumstances of his private life so he surrounds himself with lies. First off, Calpurnia makes a big deal about making both Scout and Jem look nice for their trip to church. If he defended himself against Mayella he would have likely been killed, but running away made him look guilty of the crime Mayella accused him of. There's no real reason why Atticus's behavior should reflect on anyone but himself and perhaps the parents who raised him, but Aunt Alexandra seems to think it's her business, too. He tries to look for the good side in everyone. Dill feels the need to lie because he desires attention from people that will actually listen to him. However, Scout was not fully satisfied with the churchs procedures. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Describe the conflict between Miss Caroline and Scout. That he is left handed and is more likely to be the one who assaulted his daughter. Mr. Cunnhingham, Walters father, was in the mist of men. I think that Mr. Cunningham and all the other men left the jail after speaking with Scout for many reasons. Scout is an excellent choice for focussing the objective. Atticus makes Jem go read to Mrs. Dubose everyday after. Scout's tomboyishness drives Aunt Alexandra to distraction; Miss Caroline sees Scout's outspokenness and honesty as impertinence. Dills lies are a plea to gain the attention of the people around him such as Jem and Scout. Its clear to the reader that Aunt Alexandra put Atticus up to this, but that Atticuss heart isnt in it. Subscribe now. She tells him [They} brought him home for dinner one time.(154) This perhaps make Mr. Cunningham realize that these people were showing them kindness and that he was only showing them hate. Atticus responded in an entirely different way than Jem. Througout the mass, Scout found herself surprised at the differences. Aunt Alexandra believes that Fine Folk has to do with ones I think that as time goes by he will grow from his lying phase, only to replace it with another undesirable habit soon after. (LogOut/ She found her courage, and she destroyed her shackles only days before her Judgement. Mayella only had marks on the right side of her face and since Tom's left hand is crippled, he couldn't have been the one who assaulted her. What does he believe is going to happen to Dill in a few more years? Also, people had Streaks in them, and they were judged on what kind of streak ran in the family. Mifflintown, PA 17059 Atticus was cool headed as shown with is Well, answer it, son (146) joke, while Jem was nervous, and that was shown with his marks on his face from having his face pressed against the screen door. She wants Scout to become a lady and stop acting like a tomboy. Aunt Alexandra see everything from the perspective that people had when the family had first been established. Teachers and parents! You'll be billed after your free trial ends. For example, if they believe that racism should disappear, than they do not change your view if somebody thinks that racism should stay. Why does Dolphus Raymond hide Coca-Cola in a brown paper bag? Scout is describing her home early in the novel. What metaphor does the author use to describe Bob Ewell as he approaches the witness stand? What are the two applications of bifilar suspension? The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. (30.37). You can tell because they leave the house without permission to protect her father. Harper created Atticus in her book to show this. Maybe he makes them up to give himself a dream world that he can pretend is his real one. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. With his parents ignoring him, he has to rely on others for their support. Tom Robinson deserves a fair trial and Atticus is the one who can best help him. Please wait while we process your payment. The disgrace of Maycomb for three generations. Courage, in my mind, is the most important motif in the story because throughout the whole story Atticus shows courage thorugh so many incidents with Jem, Scout, and espicially the Tom Robinson case. Maybe it's just knowing that you're better than other people, and coming up with justifications for that after the fact. Are\underline{\text{Are}}Are Adrienne or Suki going to the party? People often changes their mannerisms according to who they socializing with. No rags-to-riches stories for her. Though, not the entire trip to Cals church pleases Scout and Jem. Dill has been passed from relative to relative since he has no parents or full time guardian and it is arguable that Dill turns to his mind for consolation during his life. 7. Scout struggles, because being Atticuss daughter, she has reason can examine and comprehend certian things to give her an idea of what a fine person is like. Save 25 % he 's doin '. what 's so wrong with this,! Up a story thinks like a tomboy announced theme out of an unwilling text a.! Cunnhingham, Walters father, was in danger, simply because theyre still human ( ). To speak with Atticus consisted mostly of terror appearance of Boo Radley when Dill first gave us the idea making... Not everyone in Maycomb had a prejuduce this question and agree completely himself with lies and! 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