rife machine testimonials

Just to remind you briefly, I have been suffering with severe Mercury poisoning for more than 35 years. It's not just that you are there to support your customers, but you are obviously into this equipment and extremely knowledgeable about it. Thanks again and I will be putting the newly discovered information to good use. It was as though his whole world blew up in one day. - Peter (7/6/09), I learned about the Rife 101 from my next door neighbor. I set her up on 2 programs - the Flu and Stomach Disorder. I have a Rife 101, and called Tina Rappaport for some help. Everything is normal! ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Very Smart Cat (not actually a testimonial): Tina, I just received my Rife machine. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. I stopped using drugs. Sincerely - E.P. The source of it was from my head but it made my entire body ache. She can actually read the third line of the eye chart now. She had initially been exhausted and out of breath just walking from the parking lot up the steps to my office; now she was hiking several miles a day in the woods and walking about town doing her shopping, and reporting no fatigue. - Vera, IL (5/8/13), I am so grateful how swiftly you were in replying. Tendonitis, Pain, Inflammation, Focal Dystonia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: We have fallen in love with our machine. Testimonials. True Rife makes no claim to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, prevent disease, or make any organ or part of the human body function properly. - A. George, AZ 4-2-16. I wanted this Rife 101 machine for years, and I finally was able to afford one. He called me crying, he was so happy the Rife machine worked and there would be no surgery! (2014). It was a good idea, but the writer needs to know more about electronics, and making schematic diagrams. Usually this means sick for 2 weeks and getting nothing done. It spread beyond the breast. I've been using the Rife machine since I've had it and even though I've been sick I do see positive results. Ironically enough, I ran into an old classmate at a class reunion, and was exited to find out he was an orthopedic surgeon who had a practice locally, and who agreed to see me. All gone! Now he's a walking miracle and the doctors can't believe it. - E. Salazar, CA 8/23/17. Thanks again, John & Stacey. In the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. There is a DVD on how to use it, but I rarely use DVDs because they are difficult for me to see. The cataract that was forming on my better eye, is now nonexistent! He has maintained this status for more than one year now. - F. Lambert, PA 7/12/15. Broken Bone, Pain & Strep Throat - Streptococcus: My husband broke ribs on the weekend. While trying to sleep I would regularly get horrible leg cramps. WebRife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. - J Burkett, AL (7/15/19), I just love this machine. Thanks for all your help. During the first treatment of one minute on each of ten frequencies she reported feeling the current in the uterine area for about ten seconds. She definitely went the extra mile and I appreciate so much what she has done. The worsening illness made him unable to go to work and feel pain and fatigue, so he could only be stuck in bed day after day. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. I have a beloved 7 year old German Shepherd, Duchess, that is experiencing partial fecal incontinence, for no apparent reason. Thank you Paula (NW, 2008), I had a cyst on my arm removed 25 years ago and it started coming back! - D. Ables, VA (4-13-18). Well, I've noticed that my brown spots on my arms have faded! - M & M, AL (9/24/12), I've had a Rife 101 for several years now, and I sent it in for a software update and free manual for only $60, and it was shipped back to me for that price! It produces an energy similar to radio waves. He was better for a while and then, as you would expect, it came back with a vengeance. I have had five surgeries to remove infected bone segments from both of my large toes. She suggested the inflammation, circulation, nerve disorders, numbness/muscles and paralysis programs may be of help. - Name Withheld, PA 6-10-17), My husband has prostate trouble, so he noticed that besides the prostate program there is the bladder program too and he's been using that now. It's scaley, and, since I'm not as young as I used to be, the skin is thin so when these scales pull off, it's a bit raw. At the end of April 2013, one side of my nose started running - constant with no let up. Those antibiotics are sooooo bad for me. 1 review. The rife machine is designed to tune into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies. In my little corner of the world. - T. Verway (via D. Boyer), OH (12-10-15), I have had my machine for several months now and enjoy the many good results I have been getting. Now his feet are completed healed. We will continue to run it once a day on her. I used the Chronic Fatigue program and my energy definitely picked up. Im a retired nurse and I have had numerous patients that had peritonitis. I use the Rife 101 three hours a day or more with several programs. I also used the Nerve Damage program one time - and my aide said, "Hey did you notice you're walking better??" I have a family of 5 and someone is always using it! His wife observed that his eyes looked brighter. I am so totally angry with the medical community. Thanks Nick. He was on a ventilator, had many surgeries, skin grafts, muscle grafts, artery grafts, a rod in his leg, and he was told he'd never walk again. We continue to do this when things get way too stressful, and it works. She got some oil in her eye and it got inflamed. The Rife 101 also helped others I lent it to with cancer, arthritis and fibromyalgia. By using our site, you agree to our Terms of UseandPrivacy Policy. When I asked my doctor about Rife machines he said "They don't work. I went to the doctor for the itching and he gave me a cream that did nothing for it. I felt strong enough to return back to work. Sarcoma, Tumors, Stage 3 Cancer going into Stage 4 Cancer: Have an older Rife 101. It's really a total miracle machine! Some people claim they can help cure cancer and treat other conditions like Lyme disease and AIDS. Warts, Bronchitis/Lungs, Flu/Colds, Swelling, Blood Infection (Cat Scratch): I've saved so much $$$ money over time, from running to doctors. My severe pain was gone in a month and breast mass was gone in six months. I told her about the Rife 101 machine but didnt tell my doctor. One hip was in need of a hip replacement, and the other one was on the verge of needing one. Even I say that the Rife machine is a miracle. In my last letter, I told you I had named my Rife unit "Albert." There is no evidence that Rife machines have any effect on cancer or can cure HIV. Thank you! I got on the Rife 101 ran 3 minutes per frequency on flu/flu symptoms; also 3 minutes on vomiting didn't feel any better right-off went to bed woke at 4:00 this morning; feeling better! I'm 77 now and I had fungal sinusitis, recurring bronchial problems - I got pneumonia real easy. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. I turned on my rife machine to "Influenza Program" and symptoms started melting away. My family doctor diagnosed my condition as a minor back strain and prescribed anti-inflammation medication. and anti-aging! We Googled and searched for all kinds of information and finally decided to purchase the Rife Model 101. I use to worry about how I was going to pay for all my prescription drugs and now I don't take any! Cant thank you enough!!!!! (NW, 2005). We suggest enabling javascipt. We have spent plenty at the dermatologist. Duchess gets daily exercise in the form of walks and some play with chasing a ball. My ulcer is gone. It was bad. - Wanda, KY, Received the Rife 101 machine last night. Tina Rappaport installed a comprehensive EYE program for me (she does this at no charge when you purchase a unit and say you have an eye problem). - V. Miller, MI (5-4-18). Zimmerman JW, et al. Thank you for all you are doing and all you will do - it has changed my world! It was like it unblocked something in my head. The device passes electromagnetic frequency through them and into the body. Size: 3 x 7 in. Able to turn over, not stooped over, Feeling overall well. I expect the healing will take a while yet, since the infection was very bad. It's 6 months later now and it still doesn't hurt. Carter M. (2008). I started him on about 5 milligrams of CBD per day and it's evident he's in much less pain now - he's got his energy back! - James K. and wife (10/1/08). After two days on the Rife 101, running the Stroke and Nerve Disorder programs, she's got feeling in her arm and fingers! And thank you again for the wealth of information. His mind and psyche had changed and he had what we call a frontal lobe syndrome. I've used it for so many issues over the years, even constipation. AND, my mother-in-law was emotionally abusive. It always works. It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. Neither did I see any immediate results after that process. The owner had used it on herself and her dog with good results. It also cleared up my friend's daughter's breast cancer. August 2014: Her doctors continue to be amazed at how much her liver has shrunk. It was a pleasure to meet you and get my Rife 101. Carcinoma, Cancer of Liver, Lymph Nodes & Lung Cancer, Pain: Although drinking plenty of pure water, I experienced major detox problems. pure water six times a day, and plenty of rest. - Jerry, PA. General Rife 101 Use and Customer Service: Tina Rappaport, I just want to mention - if I haven't already - how impressed I am, not just with the Rife 101 itself but your entire presentation; the whole package. I also have a hearing problem, and after using the Rife machine, noticed that it was preventing my hearing from worsening. A treatment was done with slight improvement in energy and overall well-being, but no improvement in central nervous system. I also used the blood type diet (D'Adamo), and chigong (101 Miracles of Natural Healing, Chan). Keep up your good work and hope you are staying healthy and happy. Then, one of the people that I am was ordering this for, a liver patient, took a turn for the worse that night. After a couple of weeks I was beginning to feel like I did many years ago. - Chris, My husband has several medical issues, including lymphedema, allergies, and diabetes. Colds, Hearing, Hemorrhoid Pain, Muscle Strain & Allergies: I found out about the RIFE 101 machine by visiting this web site. I treat my Lymes every 1-3 weeks and the symptoms are GONE! It was debilitating and gnarled my hands into a distressing deformity, limiting my ability to move my wrists. Brown, TX (6-2-19), Tina, Thanks again, it was a pleasure talking to you, rather than some order taker at other companies. Her cancer marker numbers dropped from 8,000 to 2,000 in one month and other tests went from 200s to normal! What a remarkable change! Yet; I say once more; THANK YOU & THANK GOD FOR YOU AND YOUR GENUINE CONCERN FOR OTHERS! My husband started using it on him and he lived another 5 years. He used our Rife 101 machine and you could actually see the swelling coming down. And I'm 78! Well, they cut my cast off and my leg was perfect - no swelling, no smell, no skin problems! I am very pleased to have this Rife machine on hand. After that I looked up my problem and it turned out to be a bacterial infection that manifests itself in the optic nerve! The blisters came and got worse not better, the war was on and I kept using the machine. By the time my machine arrived, it was like resuming an old and trusted friendship, I was so familiar with it. - D. Klein, NY (2-27-16). Spooky2 Success Story - Amanda Antelo Cuellar: Recovery From Parkinson's Disease And Guillain barre Syndrome Using Spooky2. I came down with a bladder infection and used the program for 30 minutes - the infection was gone and I didn't have to take medication! Again you should call this the miracle machine! I got started that very day and I haven't stopped. When I woke up, all of the itching was gone. While customer service is limited, the True Rife machine is easy to set up and understand and is highly effective. After an EKG and a few other tests, I was told I had an infection in my chest cavity and was to go home and rest. Rife machines and other at-home electromagnetic frequency devices are not likely to cause any long-term risks. Contact. The recent one I upped my RIFE 101 usage and the biopsy came back clear. Then, God was watching over me and did me a favor. Carol A, MI (1-26-15), AWESOME!!! They were visiting me (the Rife 101 owner) and my friend said, "if that machine is so great, put it on her and get rid of the herpes" so I did. I took 13 prescription drugs a day along with 10 muscle relaxer pills a day. GOD BLESS YOU, DEAR SWEET LADY! Although she had not used the Rife101 machine specifically for the herpes problem, she reported that as a side effect of the treatment the herpes had disappeared and she has not had a recurrence over the past 8 months. The Rife 101 also helped me with my sore leg joints, constant back pain, headaches and a skin rash. WebFor almost a year I had the good fortune to know Phoenix and her Rife machine technology, I was suffering from breast cancer (a 3 inch diameter hard malignant lump.) Very pleased. No more cancer. My headaches are gone. I also use several individual frequencies that operate in the Alpha and Beta ranges of the brainwaves, using channel 126: 10 hz, 129: 15 hz and 131: 20 hz for stimulation and alertness. I love that machine, and I call it "my doctor". Take Care! (Rife 101 user since November 2013) - Randy P, WI (12/24/14), Update 8/11/17: Well the guy (Doug) with the Parkinson's has had to use a walker to get around for over 6 months now, because his feet would trip up and now he is starting to get around without it and his wife told me he has always been down as in not being able to get up and move around that well for a long time and now he (in her words) is up down up down up down up down quite a bit lately, they are getting very anxious to see this happening with him (the hope has begun) lol, that's the part I LOVE to see. Update 8/27/17: Tapping the tooth is now no different than tapping any other tooth. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. I had a toe infection, very sore and swollen. The researchers carried out these experiments in test tubes, which is not the same as studies in animals or humans. I'm so glad I had this Rife 101 when this happened, because I immediately started using it on the STROKE PROGRAM - even before going to the hospital!! He started to recover and after 2 months had to go get the stent changed. Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device. This was a first. And still feel great! 23: The rife machine and retroviruses. Our holistic vet does acupuncture - Lynn M, FL (6/10/15). At the end we removed the electronic pads. My nerves were shot. I used it 3 to 4 times a day on the cancer program for about 20 before the surgery. After I gained more strength from the treatments, I decided to go off the heart medications. My doctor kept taking chest x-rays and the pneumonia wasnt going away even though I no longer had any symptoms after taking antibiotics. For convenience, capable of running as a standalone device without a computer connected. Thank you again for everything you've done and for being so accessible. With 6 minutes, the whole body can be scanned. He'd had 39 radiation treatments that didn't do anything but make him sick. During that time I'd feel a cold coming on and no matter what I'd do I could never shake the cold. Your Hymbas Rife Practitioner gets 10 out of 10!!! But better than that, the cataracts are JUST NOT THERE! The operation took over 3/4 hour on the operating table, and was done by a very good doctor. The doctor asked me what I was doing. Thanks - Mary Ann W. My friend's bought a Rife 101 in May 2015 for the husband's multiple myeloma and I'd just like to report that they are thrilled. She is using the back/disc program and said that her back feels so much better! Hello Tina Rappaport, We purchased the Rife 101 about 1 year ago. Until I tried the 'circulation' program. I drink lots of alkaline water the next morning with a little lemon. He had a nurse come over to see how much better the wound area looked. Normally $950. Purple vegetables and tubers may have superior anti-diabetic properties. Could a monthly antibody injection be a promising endometriosis treatment? It has been years since I could really do that. WebRife Machine Success Stories and Testimonials Share this: Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. - Janice. My wife and I have owned a timeshare for many years, and we thoroughly looked forward to a week of golf in mid April in the state of Tennessee. In two weeks, still asymptomatic, she was given a follow-up treatment just to be sure. Often had bloating, gas, and constipation. - W. Mihin, ID (9-3-20). Anyway, I've been running programs for adrenals, inflammation, candida and then finally detoxification. He asked for the details of my affliction and said he may be able to help me. After two surgeries, the first was positive but the second showed no evidence of melanoma. We cleaned up his diet and water and asked the good Lord to give us a sign, as the Rife 101 Energy System was a lot of money. Thank God for you and my Rife 101! First good night's sleep in two weeks and only coughed once all night instead of several hours of coughing in a row. But that doesn't make the Rife Model 101 less impressive. Our general health is better and my husband's headaches, constipation and colon problems are much much better. I was so glad that he was willing to let me help him. depression, headaches, circulation, liver, lung, allergy, allergies, itching, bites, COPD, asthma, cough, pneumonia, There are many things too long to go into detail here sometimes all that was needed was one treatment, whereas sometimes two. I had developed fatigue and some days couldn't get out of bed. Have another experience for you when we prove it is working. And after running the scan results for minutes, he felt relief of his eye pressure immediately. I am sure that the only reason that I am alive is because of this machine. We got her from a reputable breeder and she came from sound stock with no hip dysplasia in their offspring. And, this was only the first day with my new Rife machine! The abscess WAS GONE the very next day!!! I have Lyme disease which I contracted in 1984. Eye Problems, Blurred Vision, Optic Nerve Damage, Cataract, Droozen (yellow spots on retina), Devic's Disease (Neuromyelitis Optica)-Autoimmune Disease of Optic Nerve, Scaling Skin (dry skin, scaly skin), Muscle Cramps: Hi to Tina Rappaport - I've been using the Rife 101 Energy System for about a week now. Not even the high-alkaline ionized water. Also, post-surgery, I did not fill the prescriptions for narcotic pain killers. Six months later she is still fine. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Now I sleep far less and have much more energy. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. One had kidney problems, one had joint problems and one was exhausted and weak. Tina, please disregard that last email. They all improved over the next few weeks. Blood tests show that I have antibodies for Lyme but I do not have the disease! And there havent been any human studies. All rights reserved. Earline W. (NW, 2008), Thanks so much for all your time. 1 review. She had one treatment on the herpes program and has never had an outbreak since - and that was a few years ago. My husband utilizes the Rife 101 machine for a very serious asthma condition, reducing the number and amount of medications necessary to combat it on an everyday basis as well as during those seasonal attacks. He suggested doctors could kill diseased or cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cells unique electromagnetic frequency. I melts away all worries into "no big deal." WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. (Rife 101 user since April 2012) - E. Valdes, TX 9-28-16, A friend of mine had been sick for about 4 weeks and in the hospital 2 weeks with bad flu and stomach issues. In these tests, the validity was zero because I do not have any of the 72 conditions and consistency was zero because no condition listed in either scan was found in the other scan. Worked like magic and I was able to sleep. He said that though he had many successful results with many other conditions, he had no direct personal experience with my kind of affliction-- that qualified me to have my sessions and the frequencies used classified as "experimental." I used the setting for headaches and now no more headaches. I walked with a waddle and couldn't bend my knees. - Pat M, (11/10/08). Your Hymbas Rife Practitioner gets 10 out of 10!!! - Art, CO. Colon, Constipation, Headaches, General Health: I bought a Rife 101 Energy System from Tina about two years ago. UPDATE: It is now Monday and Duchess has gotten a treatment with the inflammation program, every evening since Thursday and I am thrilled to report she has had no accidents only once on her first treatment night. The tumor on her arm has gone from the size of a golf ball and looking horribly inflamed and red, to the size of a marble and dark, with no redness anymore. Lyme Disease, Asthma, Arthritis, Inflammation, Detoxification, Ovarian Cancer, Pain and Injuries: I was so glad to receive your latest newsletter. The test results showed it is a 4.82 and the Doctor said if it is 5 or lower it is normal. - KM, NY 5-17-18, I was borrowing my friend's Rife 101, but now I've bought my own! He's doing really well - with the Rife 101 he has fewer side effects from the chemo and more energy. My husband read a book about Royal Rife and decided to buy a frequency instrument for me. About 1 1/2 years ago the doctors wanted to remove part of his colon and his rectum due to an infection, since their antibiotics weren't helping. There are a few Rife Machine manufacturers that advertise "Over a million healing frequencies". The first use of apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in the United States dates back to the 1920s. Her whole arm was swollen from the hand up and all puffy like. I ran INFLAMMATION too. - TINA RAPPAPORT - Owner, URparamount.com & Rife101.com (4/7/14), My dad was putting up Christmas lights, fell, and fractured his ankle and it was in a cast. I used the auto program for "cramps" and they rarely happen anymore. She looked more energetic after the treatment. My sister who believes in a holistic way of life, met a man who introduced her into the Rife 101 machine. After three days I thought"Carol, you're getting a cold"! In mid-October my knee started giving out on my going down stairs and/or downhill. Thank you for your help! Often I develop a deep itch in my feet or my hands--the kind of itch that can't be reached with general scratching. I had previously been diagnosed and received a chemo-therapy treatment that may have somehow helped me a bit, but my immune system was weakened and I felt very bad. It's so easy to use even for a "technically challenged" old gal like me. I was diagnosed with throat and tonsil , and I was spitting up blood. Although I had no serious health problems, my purpose in having purchased the Rife Model 101 bio-frequency machine was for preventative measures regarding my heart, eyes and glands. Bunion, Influenza, Type II Diabetes & Asthma: My husband and I have been extremely well pleased with the Rife 101 Frequency Machine, having used it for several different ailments. The crown was put in a few months ago and the gum above it has been sensitive to the touch ever since. Arrived, it was preventing my hearing from worsening up my friend 's daughter 's breast cancer many years.... 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