justice league fanfiction batman handsome

Lets move into the cafeteria, Diana suggested. He would not falter from his convictions. is if fake dating if you are dating your hero self? Showing no sign of offense, Blackhawk continued. The casualties would've been much worse if we'd stopped to help John. Forbidden techniques, or created from their pain? Tim had proven why he is such a wonderful son when he printed and gave him a framed photo of Vicki's expression when Bruce, tired and running on coffee after just helped saving the world, hadn't been in the mood to deal with Vicki and her attempts at trying to prove he is Batman answered why he always seems to be off on one of his many trips when Batman was off saving the day. We'll see," said the madman, with an ominous expression. Got a nasty spitball.". They should have had no warning at this distance, had no reason to look up with all this cloud cover at night, and according to his latest reports were not even supposed to be on this course! (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). But what they don't know that her evil twin sister,vidia, dressed as her in order to win Ba. We had no choice! said Hawkgirl, not unkindly. Aboard the jet, John burst through a crawlspace to find himself alone in a spacious room with what looked to be a lot of important machinery. He had escaped with one of the Nazis encrypted communicators, which would allow them to listen in to their most secure messages. A German himself, he opposed the tyranny of his homeland, fighting against them with everything he had. . With a line of those massive, wheeled tanks rolling aboard them, each of the multi-story high vehicles utterly dwarfed by their new mothership.. Back still turned to the man, Vandal raised one hand as he lectured, "You have a short memory, Hoffman." "Hawka!" Ironic seeming it was his event. I will go inform him now, since you didnt care to.. For a little bit of history, yes Savages new symbol for Nazism is based upon the Schutzstaffel symbol, or the SS, Hitlers infamous secret police and agents of atrocities. It had taken some time, and a lot of violence, but they had pulled it off. Ruined! raged Vandal, picking up the wrecked laptop left mockingly out on his table. Something beyond how much this guy resembled that guy on the posters. Be ready. Erns was a small, elderly man, yet he had a strength of courage and conviction she fully respected. Then the boats had landed, with British, Canadian, and American troops making their landing, successfully liberating territory with greater ease than anticipated. Not right now. (Ash will absolutely not do that at least, shes not stupid, the gangs are basically training dummies for Robins. His wounds had not bothered him, and assured her that he had already healed. Crime Alley, born and raised, Jason Todd's childhood best friend, has seen it all, from her best friend's adoption to his murder and return. "Great story, great Percy Jackson was tired of the hero gig. When it begins to go missing in large quantities, him and his siblings are on the case. With some effort he forced himself up so he was on his hands and knees. However she trusted her superiors to treat such knowledge with the care it deserved. They were heroes, they were supposed to save lives! . "I still can't believe you left him behind!" Or, Tim, Kon and Bart probably should have thought of their vacation planning needs before they got themselves banned from pretty much every square inch of the globe. Vandal smirked smugly at them. John Stewart and his compatriots found themselves surrounded by idyllic countryside. Were trying to stop that from all every happening, including everyone the Nazis will be killing if they win! even her parents. Or, Bruce attempts to show Damian and Tim what a functional sibling team looks like during missions. She nodded in understanding, and went back to keeping a careful eye out. We lost, No, hes here! He pulled out of her grip, and looked down at one of the last remaining vessels, headed towards a cold, dark grave. 11. cover by @_ {Book 1 in The Demon Twins Series} He had seen Zoro dismember the man, and Savage was still alive as Fuhrer decades from now. He checked to see nobody had spotted him. they thought we were with the regime. With one irritating exception. Their only real concern was whether there were any further surprises. Now she is a teenager who always wanted a brother, and won't let superman ignore superboy after hearing Tsunade gets reincarnated in the Young Justice universe. Coming forward so they were face-to-face. As soon as they passed over a small bridge overlooking a hill, he let go and threw himself down, safely rolling with the impact. Jonn Jonnz, the Martian Manhunter, had been through many strange situations in his life, but this adventure continued to surprise him. Aboard that plane!. . Only to then hear the most beautiful thing in the world. She went to join him to see if he had any news, just as Flash darted up to rejoin them at last. Personally that description of a 'spitball' was slightly concerning, and the man clearly enjoyed it. And right now his primary 'problem' was that they were about to blow up a factory full of workers. ", "Used to pitch in the bush leagues. Back to a console, he struggled with the arm of the Fuhrers weapon with one hand. The man in charge was Sergeant Rock, whose name fit his personality. . Which while something Green Lantern fully endorsed, also meant they had to make do without her support as well. That is right! Honestly, Vandal would have properly dealt with the man long ago, if not for the mans own connections and supporters, the political necessity of keeping at least one of the old Fuhrers people around (even if Hoffman had not been the firmest of fans), and the fact the man was actually very good at his job. Instantly it began to play, displaying a message from his counterpart. Probably. I can't wait for more!! " A little dismayed, John looked down at the weapon in his hands. The Justice League had faced all manner of powerful opponents in the past: bloodthirsty killers, insane tyrants, vengeful gods, and more. Even in the darkest times, there would always be those few individuals who would rise up to fight back. ", "We're not from any one country. Even for him it was enough pain and surprise to make him stagger back into his own console. It was actually starting to get annoying.. Doubtless here to lead whatever invasion he had planned, with nearly everybody else now already aboard. Stop it.. When the Grayson's died Dick and his little brother Danny where separated at the orphanage and taken by different families. "You're right," said John. Everyone left behind was hunkering down, savouring the breather. This is a harry potter/batfamily crossover and is set in the summer Harry's 5th year. But this is. She was fully recovered from her fight with Robin, and her own clashes with the Nazis had left her unharmed. But not at Vandal. Justice League | Adventure Fanfiction Romance Batman,superman and other members had announced a new superhero has joined the team. In contrast, these newcomers appeared to be a level actually above their previous opponents in power and skill. He glared icily at the accusation, and at the words impossible for this man to know. Yes, this was the sort of man to think he could rule the world. The sound of flesh hitting flesh, and a brief burst of gunfire caught his attention, and he looked to see the Allied saboteur was on his feet, machine gun pointed straight at Vandal. ", The senior non-com looked down at his hand with a smile. The ones still being produced were likely spares, or of course to make more planes. Breaking off a pipe, he started swinging it to burst others, tear out wires, and whatever else looked vulnerable enough to make it crash. Where are we? groaned Flash, the first to stand. A chill went up and down her wings at the memory of how close she had been to decapitation. In war, you found everyone: soldiers, children, elderly, the infirm, all innocent and suffering together. John Stewart was ex-military, and knew that was impossible. Back at a burning town, Nazi troops and tanks secured the reclaimed area, while lines of supply trucks drove by unhindered. It is the bone-deep awareness of this fundamental truth which forced the groaning members of the Justice League to raise themselves off the hard ground. Ill be okay! he said back, and hefted up to her the soldier he was carrying. However brief, their fight with the two members of the Straw Hats had not been pleasant, and no one was unscathed. Overhead Superman carried a truck laden with supplies which had been left behind, with people running up to unload it. Harry holds the handwritten one in his hands. And this was being repeated all across the massive complex, with at least a dozen more of those oversized jet planes being loaded up. No. Are you alright? Martian Manhunter asked Wonder Woman while they flew to Berlin. Superman was next with both of the Superboys, Conner and Jonathan. Not to mention the Allied Forces could coordinate with them better here. He tapped a button to activate it, displaying the new Nazi logo. Story of his life. This was it. The main focus of it all was some sort of extremely strange hole in the center of the main room. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Were the powers they had used solely because of their grief? Too flashy with their blue coats and hats, and the large hawk-insignia their leader proudly displayed. Clearly it was important to the Nazis, and yet they had taken the risk of building it here in France and so close to the coast and the threat of Allied aircraft that it implied for some reason they considered it necessary for it to be built there, even while aware of all the dangers. With a grimace, Wonder Woman nodded. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," the parisian whined in a high pitched distraught. First, the war cannot be won if that raging lunatic continues to run things.". Circumstances lead to them finding and losing one another, but now it's her turn to fight back for the city that has given and taken so much from her. ", Too bad! Go to Gotham City, they say. A tearing sound accompanied the shout as Bulldozer fell through the ground. guess what?black: what?rose: Apple mac. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men or women to do nothing. ), it really, really, reaaaally was his problem. Professionally she pushed her dread aside, and flew closer to see what she could do to help. ", "Don't you even care what happens to him!?". And the greatest weapon he could bring to bear was one the Nazis had already demonstrated considerable concern for: his still razor-sharp mind, as he worked to break their secrets. Plus she may have been referring to the sheer size and obvious sophistication of it. Through the viewport, Vandal saw yet another of his trump cards explode. Just a little work to dispose of all the super-advanced weaponry here and there, and Jonn confirming that the Nazi leadership had defrosted Hitler from his icy prison to lead them again. Well, you get the idea, he continued to smile. 14. They must know hes part of the Resistance., If we succeed, he never will be, he reminded her. The men began their assault, while Wildman ducked closer behind some logs, and grabbed his grenade, primed it, and moved to throw. he accused Hawkgirl, which wiped away the sadness and shame from her face. Ive got it.. For the briefest moment, Fuhrer Savages mask of smug arrogance slipped. The superior man, he answered with a smirk, before walking away. "But this technology's way too advanced," she said. ", "Imbecile!" Especially with the risk of the Straw Hats?, At a guess, the alien speculated, the heavy matter was too hazardous for Savage to contain indefinitely. The expression fell, I hope., I should have known youd be here, said Batman, stepping out into sight. Take evasive action! ordered Vandal, voicing the obvious to prod his people into doing their jobs while they stared slack jawed at the sight of another transport falling towards the waters below. Like a black hole. Sound familiar at all? 120 guests More guests to Welcome! Without another word, he left the room. As he had told her, his wounds were all healed, except never before had he been scarred. Who, for some reason, looked exactly the same. Before Wonder Woman could reply, she heard the zeta tube start up. This isnt going to be easy.. A Young Justice and Dick Grayson fanfic. 2 Kudos: 71 Bookmarks: 8 Hits: Only he could still see the tension in her frame. Down from the clouds swept Blackhawk Squadron, having finally caught up. "Which way is west?". The metal was carefully irradiated to leave a signature I would detect with some of the designs included in the laptop, and then thrown into the past afterwards. Unlike others, he did believe there were still heroes in war, except he also knew the whole concept was a horrible thing. It is in first person and does not use Y/N. Billionaire Playboy by day, and Batman by night. Although by this point she was nearly out. I dont think well need to, said Superman with a small, proud grin. "Are these guys for real?" Because one of the few advantages the John and the rest had over their enemies was that supervillains were notoriously bad at cooperating with each other. Not feeling home in Paris, Marinette moves to Gotham to fulfill her guardian Then, the Fates flash in. Swinging, she brought it up to break a whole through the very plane it had come from, leaving a burning wound behind. The very proof of it was in this room, with technology decades and decades ahead of its time. Speaking of which, each of the four men wore the same uniform, yet once again they were distinctly non-military. was not something he was comfortable with. Is Shining Knight still with us? blurted out Flash. Unfortunately for everyone though, it did not look like he would have much choice. . We made the wrong call, Green Lantern grimly knew. Lantern!. Unity . While undamaged, it took Superman by surprise as he was thrown aside. Except while the rest of the Justice League had struggled with a single one, it had taken Jonn seconds to infiltrate and sabotage the first. To ensure there were no singular routes for his enemies to locate and sabotage, different passages led to different parts of his quarters and personal lab, all carefully split up. All of which means that the idea that they could conquer the world, is not something they would really appreciate and accept, especially on an emotional level. While this is a sequel, it can be read independently (I give the content you need in the story so you won't miss anything). Yes please. . Well, time to get to work, he grimly knew. For a battle cry, Superman made it nice and simple. Still, best to let them think he was worse off than he was. Unfortunately Hoffman was allowed within his inner sanctum for a reason. Not all Fun and Games The revelation that time travel alone was real, would have . Weapons the Allies have never even dreamed of. A flashbang launcher certainly fit the role of a police officer, even if some cosmetic changes to make it look less militant would be necessary. After finding out that Bruce and the Justice League had played Among Us in the Watchtower, while actually in space, the Batfamily bully Bruce into letting them play the game themselves. The whole thing was impervious to even Superman, including the transparent bubbles the gunners sat in. The Justice League is hosting a "Bring your kid to work" day, but no one told Batman. ." Despite the entire mess of a situation they were in, the two heroes could not help but exchange smiles. "Don't thank us, said the leader. As well as that the final bit about how easily the heroes dealt with the time travel was from Ryan George on the YouTube channel "Screen Rant." A god doesnt grovel, boasted the madman. While he tried to glare defiantly after the bigger man, he could not help drop his head in shame. Yes, those people were building stuff for the Nazis, and apparently important stuff, yet that did not mean they deserved to die. Stewart, watch our backs.". Agreeing this was too important to pass up, she had parted ways with her friend while she got Steve to his contact. A whole week out of work? He was brought before the big man himself. This chapter is an AU of a DCAU episode by the same name.Two and a half episodes actually, which we are cramming into here a bit . Even the wars he had helped the Justice League with on other planets had been solved without anybody dying once they had arrived to help settle things. Savage's mounted an air-born invasion. Honestly, it was a bit of a relief, as it kept her too busy to think. The truth is, weve gotten complacent., Wonder Woman rested a placating hand on the space cops shoulder. Her name is Vikisha and she is a half superhero and a half villain, the most powerful hero and villain in the universe. Glancing up, he saw Hawkgirl coming down laden with three more wounded, and helped ease one to the ground. . Next Black Canary and Green Arrow arrived with Artemis and Arsenal. For instance, apparently Adolf Hitler had been replaced as Fuhrer, and his fate was unknown. . After that, Flash had changed the channel, not being in the mood for such a downer after a long day. I care!, "What're you talking about!? Oh no! he moaned. Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks. She had forgotten the unconscious man was there for a moment. . So if he had stuck around for even five minutes, they could have handled the rest in fairly short order, and then he could have left on his mission. From the corner of his eyes she gave him a look impossible to decipher beneath her mask. Dover? "Got to warn the good guys!" bruce is sleep deprived and dick and alfred just want him to SLEEP. You have no idea, said Vandal, fighting the urge to laugh at the comedy of it all. . Assuming they were able to get home of course. Whats the matter?. It was about army doctors during the . "I can still stop the invasion.". Putting his hands to his chest, Youre welcome to try.. Face immobile, Jonn considered the object with keen interest. "You're not going to believe what we've been through," said Hawkgirl. And with that she flew off back into the fight. There was something in her eyes which concerned him as she looked back at the Dark Knight. Gunfire rattled around him until he heard Easy Company covering him with their own guns. And we couldve still done better. He almost regretted the necessity of killing them to guarantee the latter. consequences. As John had wagered, given his own past experiences. It was a block of metal, with a picture of the Straw Hats etched into it and painted. Although it did appear there was indeed something to the reports of costumed fighters, given the one currently vertically shackled to one of his experiment tables. Allied warships were in the ocean below, and tracer fire from their cannons clearly visible. "What if it's not propaganda? The Man of Steel is also cluing in to how Haki is something brand new. 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