eric olson harvard

I have to do whats necessary to get the story.. December 23, 2001. The only drug mentioned is LSD, which the CIA began to use on test subjects as long as 25 years ago. But dogs were not the primary target of the SO Divisions creative efforts. In fact, I read the book. The CIAs unscrupulous experiments on human beings continued the Nazi drug experiments they learned of during the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. These are all phenomena that have become part of the record of Cold War history, a dark side of this nations history during that painful era. The CIA agent dictated it to Dr. Abramson. Eric was born here, but he never liked Frederick and he never liked this house. However, the simplest local tools are often much the most efficient means of assassination. He duly recorded that Eisenhower and Nixon won in 1952 and that the Brooklyn Dodgers took the National League baseball pennant in 1955. After that, he went back to his narcotics work, interrupting it in the early 1950s to become an investigator for the Serate committee headed by Sen. Estes Kefauver that looked into organized crime. He directed my attention to an ambiguity in the way I had described what he had said during the meeting he had had with Jim Starrs Gibson pointed out that my description could be read as implying that he had had some sort of affiliation or relation with the CIA, or had access to special information from that source. ORGAN HUNTER engaged in sinister and clandestine research activities of a biochemical nature. When the lawyer hems and haws, Abzug rather astonishingly asks whether the memo might have been used to cover up murder in the Frank Olson case. As a five-year old, he sat enthralled by a performance of Harry Kellars. (G. P. Putnams Sons, New York, 2005) Used with permission of the author, We grow accustomed to the Dark When Olson died there were no papers to identify him. And if it were determined to be glass from the window of Room 1018A, there remained a question whether it came to adhere in this laceration when Dr. Olsons head struck the window of Room 1018A in exiting it or whether it was the broken window glass of Room 1018A already lying on the sidewalk of 7th Avenue when Dr. Olsons head hit there. Norman and his family celebrate together with Alice and Frank Olson and their children. Strangelove.Others were less kind. The betrayal was deeply personal. PHYSICIAN EXTRAORDINARY Olson seems to have concentrated on counter- biological warfare, trying to find vaccines and special clothing that would protect against attack. Padding slowly, it crossed the yard while the men gazed in astonishment. Uncovering this story has been a decades-long agony for us as well. I think that it might have involved hypnosis and that hypnosis experiment may have been continued in New York in John Mulhollands office and possibly in Dr. Harold Abramsons office., If Albarelli is right, the films narrator Bill Kurtis concludes, themethod of special interrogation was both the secret Olson was worried about and the technique that two of its leading practitioners John Mulholland and Harold Abramson then used on him., The problem with this theory is that there is no evidence that Mulholland was skilled as a hypnotist. Back then, Olson senior was one of the biochemists responsible for the biological weapons center the U.S. army ran nearby. The first relates to the speed at which Dr. Olson exited the window of Room 1018A. Ike, he says, we want you as an agent. The only thing Isbell was guilty of was getting money from the CIA., It is true that the climate of the times was different. And to make an end is to make a beginning. He said: Norm, did you ever see a man die? I said, No. He said, Well, I did., Olson told Cournoyer that CIA interrogators were using experimental techniques first employed in Nazi drug experiments during wartime. The old part of the house was all there was in 53. Crashing glass was part of the image that Dr. Gibson remembers. employee working at Fort Detrick. TRAUMA (with Max MorganWitts) Then, suddenly, a picture of the ruins of the Reichstag and Brandenburg Gate. The result is that the issue of the vast territory that falls between the poles of these extreme cases, what we might call plain old everyday national security terminations, has been effectively omitted from the discourse of Cold War history (except of course in Stalins Russia where the end justified the means.) From the perspective of analyses like that of Michel Foucault one might ask not only about the occasional necessity for such acts, but also about the role such terminations would have played in disciplining a democratic population for fighting a Cold War in which covert operations and plausible deniability were the key weapons. The incident had made this man unstable and had ruined his life,so it was alleged, possibly precipitating his early death. For nearly five years, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthaus cold-case unit has been conducting an unprecedented criminal investigation into the mysterious death of Fort Detrick biochemist Frank Olson. According to the official CIA account, Gottlieb performed the same experiment on the men at Deep Creek Lodge. There the explanation for coming on Saturday is that the weather in New York was bad and that flights were not departing, the assumption being that Lashbrook and Olson would travel by plane, not by train. Three main objectives loomed largest in my approach to this exhumation: 1. Nelson A. Rockefeller. That same year, Eric and Nils retained attorney Harry Huge, based in Washington, D.C., to represent them in their effort to re-open the case and instigate a criminal investigation. Also in 1953, the CIA told the Olsons, they created an MK-ULTRA brothel in New York City, where they spiked the customers drinks with LSD. Not the psychologist Carl Jungs shadow as the unacknowledged part of the personality, but The Shadow! I have wondered why Eric spent the evening of the day he had his fathers body exhumed telling his friend the story of Harolds Club Or Bust. Immediately after the war he courted the Americans, seeking to ensure a job in the United States. According to Feldman and other CIA experts, it is still continuing today under an alphabet soup of different cryptonyms. He pointed to the table and said, I dug out some old photographs for you.. Immediately afterward, Pastore asked the hotel operator if shed overheard any calls from Room 1081A. 1, 1967). He became disorientated and fell out of the window. Lashbrook supposedly contacted Gottlieb, interrupting his bosss Thanksgiving dinner, and the CIA men decided it would be best to take Olson back to Abramson in New York. While Mulholland was meticulous in his personal record keeping, not a single reference to his clandestine work remains in his personal archives. Frost to Dr. Yale Caplan, one of our forensic toxicologists who had established a private, commercial toxicology lab in Baltimore. As we turned toward the matter of the CIA Dr. Gibson began by telling me about an event that had occurred when he was president of the American Psychiatric Association. Looking up 13 floors, Pastore saw a dangling blind flapping through an open window frame. I recommend that you join a support group for children whose parents have committed suicide.. He still smoked constantly. Again through my family connection and the contacts I had established independently with various Intelligence services, I came to know Bill Buckley. Just as importantly, the pathologist did not find the facial lacerations that had been recorded by the coroner in 1953 (though the skin was intact upon exhumation of the remains), though cuts would have been expected from a violent thrust through glass. Disappointed, Eric found it difficult acquiring another attorney to take the lead. It did not spontaneously appear among the youth of the Western world as a gift from the God of Gettin High. He is extremely bright, and he has a lot to offer the field of psychology. ''Fallen or jumped'' and ''accident'' were the words he heard as he looked across the room at his mother, frozen and empty-eyed, on the sofa opposite. At one point, Alice asked her husband whether he had falsified information. Supplies of the powerful hallucinogen were not even available on the U.S. market, and little was known about its effects on personality and behavior (see box, page 101). and allergist who had parlayed a fascination with behavior-modifying drugs into lucrative MK-ULTRA contract work. Eigelsbach, Robert Lashbrook, and Dr. [Abramson].. It is rare when even spouses know of these connections. The diaries were kept by Col. George H. White, Alias Morgan Hall, a colorful federal narcotics agent and CIA consultant who died two years ago. Things did not go well. In the biological realm, there is little that any terrorist group could concoct that Fort Detricks dirty tricks department, as veterans call it, didnt think up decades ago. Frank Olson does have a name. The CIA hushed up Olsons death. They also noted my interview with Gottlieb and my unshakeable feeling that he was concealing information. In this context, the fact that Richard Helms was CIA chief of operations at the time of my fathers 1961 suicide attempt has sinister implications. The AP story appears below, followed by my notes on that meeting. I found him sitting at the bar nursing a Coca Cola. 1 man in the Federal Bureau fo Narcotics. Later, he would become the CIAs expert in better assassination through chemistry. Julia looked around her to make the point that this Norman Cournoyer wasnt even in attendance. (New York: Dell, 1999). Eric Newell Olson (born September 27, 1955 in Rochester, New York) is an American molecular biologist.He is professor and chair of the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, where he also holds the Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science, the Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research, and the Pogue . The three men arrived at Mulhollands office around 3:00pm on November 25. Ruwet reluctantly admitted that the unnamed man in the Posts article was in fact Frank Olson. The Vollum strain found in the early Detrick papers is first replaced by a Vollum sub-strain called M36, produced by the British biological weapons program by passing the Vollum strain through a series of monkeys to increase its virulence. [29], Operational Applications of the Art of Deception. The CIA allergist talked to Olson for about an hour, then gave him permission to spend Thanksgiving with his family. During the Second World War he was a member of the Military Mobilization Committee of the American Psychiatric Association and was appalled to learn that of the fifteen million men inducted into the US armed forces, two million had to be rejected on neuropsychiatric grounds, a proportion far higher than in any other nation. The high trees over the family house in Frederick, Md., were still in darkness when Eric Olson was woken by his mother, Alice, and taken into the living room. In fact, the CIA had already begun exploring the use of chemicals to influence thought and action as well as to incapacitate and even kill. He said: My father was among scientists studying the use of LSD and other drugs to enhance interrogations as Cold War tensions ran high.. According to Ruwet, Olson said he felt all mixed up and questioned his own ability to perform his duties. In Olsons case, it took the government until 1975 to admit to the LSD experiment. In Stockholm, he worked to develop the psychotherapeutic technique he had begun at Harvard: the collage method, a process that involved clipping pictures and pasting them into photomontages. Certainly Gottliebs Technical Services Staff came up with more than their share of wristwatch radios and disappearing inks. MK-ULTRA was the code name the CIA used for its program directed at gaining control over human behavior through covert use of chemical and biological materials, as proposed by Richard Helms. But she did not know whether her husband knew the truth about this or not, or even whether he would have been in a position to know. The PBS American Masters documentary on Paul Robeson titled Here I Stand surveys the life and work of this great American artist, scholar, and activist. It is requested that the original six month time period be extended an additional six months. These remain questions for the grand jury to ponder. And finally, the reason for [officers] contacting the Agency in the first place was to see if we could help them in any way to hush the thing up. ), In the weeks following the Post story, no one from the government bothered to contact the Olsons. 21.07 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent: Then on June 11, 1975, a front-page article in the Washington Post engaged his excited attention. In 1996 Eric asked Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morganthau to open a new investigation. His son Eric is seeing his fathers last film consciously for the first time. And we made it! Yes, absolutely! He had an accident, said one of the men, and the accident was that he fell or jumped out of a window., He fell or jumped out of a window in New York.. There are others who suggest that the motive behind the Mulholland visit was far less benign. Frank Olson's specialty, it turned out, had been the development of aerosols for the delivery of anthrax. That possibility is not as fantastical as it might at first blush appear to be. How could Dr. Di Maio have reported the existence of multiple lacerations when, in truth and in fact, there were none? In all types of assassination except terroristic, drugs can be very effective. Cournoyer got right to the point: Yes, your father worked for the CIA. As Eric Olson surmised, In the wake of the Nuremburg trials in the late 1940s, the United States could not afford to be exposed as a sponsor of the sort of research it had prosecuted the Nazis for undertaking.. Guzik, T. J., & Olson, E. N. (2020). In June of 1950, over one hundred thousand soldiers from Communist North Korea crossed the thirty-eighth parallel, invading the republic to the South. Here I stand, I can do no other. The moral of Martin Luther is that the individual cannot hide behind the institution. After retiring, Gottlieb and his wife worked in a leprosy hospital in India for 18 months, then moved to a farm in Rappahannock, Virginia. But then the most astounding question occurred to me. While he would be later regarded as one of magics great scholars, his academic achievements were somewhat limited. The detection limits set by Dr. Foltz for his analysis were so low that it can be said with no hint of uncertainty that those tissues were, at the time of testing, devoid of any evidence of LSD. Turning to her husband she [Diane] said, If it werent for The Shadow you might never have contacted Dr. Starrs.. He knew he was "behind the eight ball . On June 11, 1975, startling new details turned up on Alice Olsons front doorstep, in the morning edition of The Washington Post. . The Seventy Greatest Conspiracies of All Time: If at the end of three days of consultation with Abramson the patient killed himself (as the story was to be told) then it had to be as an unfortunate event happening before the hospitalization that had been arranged could be put into effect. Frank Olson went to work on a Monday morning and resigned from his job. However, the allegations have proved persistent, and, thanks in large part to a 1952 international study into the matter, are generally taken as a given everywhere in the world outside the 202 area code. Then it came to me. This we did in 1994. Seven years later [Harlot] was calling me to action. The. According to these unnamed sources, the CIA had hired contract killers associated with the Trafficante mob family to murder Frank Olson in Room 1018A. In an attempt to make Americas biological arsenal more lethal during the Cold War, the Army collected anthrax from the bodies or blood of workers at Fort Detrick who were accidentally infected with the bacteria, veterans of the biowarfare program say. Eric turned the corner to see the family doctor sitting there. Within the Agency, there was a concern almost a panic that the Russians had developed a frightening new weapon: a drug or technology for controlling mens minds. He introduced Morgan to LSD. ' Back in Frederick, Lisa Olson confronted Vincent Ruwet, her father's old boss at Detrick. The former CIA man referred to the arsenal that came to be called the Big Five. VOYAGE OF THE DAMNED (with Max MorganWitts) 22.00 Voice of Norman Cournoyer/Friend of Frank Olson: 1636: New York University (NYU) And I dont know. Posing as Joe Capone, junk dealer and pimp, Feldman infiltrated the seamy North Beach criminal demimonde. The word revealed in the headline is ironic in that no name is provided. This claim would later be found false acid trips are not at all like psychosis but Kauderss account impressed the hospital staff. I have long thought that accounts of my fathers death are very like H.C. Andersens story The Emperors New Clothes, Olson said. Christmas 1949 in a tuxedo. Five of the attendees were SOD men from Camp Detrick, including Olson and his boss Ruwet. At approximately 2:30 a.m. Saturday, November 28, Frank Olson crashed through the closed window blinds and the closed window of his hotel room and fell to his death on the Seventh Avenue sidewalk 10 floors below. Just a desire to know the truth, sighed Eric. It was rather the noise of the window shade spinning in its upper housing. The man identified as an army scientist turned out to be Frank Olson. Some 50,000 American servicemen had already lost their lives in the conflict and more than 7,000 were prisoners of war. Their usual mock weapons were two forms of bacteria, Bacillus globigii (BG) and Serratia marcescens (SM). Now this drug, what they call the Sextender, I understand its being sold to guys who cant get a hard-on.. He holds The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science and the Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research. He had told reporters in the past that he was not going to discuss Frank Olson any further. One day in the late 50s or early 60s, his finger swelled to the size of a sausage with a cutaneous, or skin, anthrax infection. DESIRE AND DENIAL The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and other defense agencies financed their own experiments as well, often duplicating each others efforts, sometimes at the same institutions. The essential point of assassination is the death of the subject. The call consisted of only two sentences. We took a $65,000 financial interest in this place of research around 23 February 1953, after the referenced incident occurred., The memorandum goes on to explain that following Lashbrooks telephone conversation, Gottlieb contacted the Pentagon officer the next day and advised him we did not want the Agencys name mentioned in connection with the case since we were in no way involved. The officer, according to the memo, assured Gottlieb that the Agency will not be mentioned and that he would keep us informed. The last several sentences of the memo read: Further information supplied by [officer] was that the lawyer [for the Blauer family] was a military man and had been advised the case involved military connections. In April of 1950, Dr. Frank Olson received a diplomatic passport, unusual for an army scientist. Thats the content of this White House memo: 49.21 My latest book on the Israeli service, Gideons Spies, to be published by St Martins Press in New York, will be published in 40 countries in April 1999. At this point, the matter was considered so important that the CIAs Office of Scientific Intelligence prepared its bulky top-secret study, Strategic Medical Significance of Lysergic Acid Diethylamidc (LSD-25), which was circulated to only seven senior officials besides Dulles. Ruwet agreed to return to Frederick and notify the family that Frank Olson wouldnt be coming home for the holiday. I can do no other. Rinkel, the man responsible for first transporting LSD into this country, supplied the drug to Hoch and Abramson in that same year. Family Statement on the Murder of Frank Olson, That day in July 1975 we sat at this table and read a, In the years after the case was settled we had had time to grapple more carefully with the confusing stack of, documents we had received from William Colby, elliptical, incoherent, and contradictory, We now know that this story begins long before the meeting at, In these documents the overall context for Frank Olsons death is related not to the infamous MK-ULTRA program for mind and behavior control, as is generally assumed. In 1960, the CIAs main contact with the SO Division, Sidney Gottlieb, carried a tube of toxin-laced toothpaste to Africa in a plot to kill Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba. Menu Log In Sign Up Among the few matters on which we can only speculate is the likelihood that the traditional view (at least since 1976) of Dr. Olsons exiting the window glass, shade and all is scientifically and realistically plausible. There are rent bills for cabins at state parks a favorite site for secret meetings. He was accompanied by his boss, Vincent Ruwet and a stranger who was introduced to her as Dr. Robert Lashbrook. The New York Times and tell Harold that we cycled all the way from, She said, These people are very smart. It may well be that Olson is wrong that the government merely drugged his father with LSD, treated him thoughtlessly when he fell into madness and covered it up for 22 years. He previously served as Deputy Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command from 2003 to July 2007. As a freshman, Eric Olson ('77, Ph.D. '81, DSc '03) planned to follow his chemist-father into a career as a research scientist when he hit an obstacle that forced a profound reckoning. The directions were forthcoming and very accommodating, even to the point of a uniformed officers volunteering to show me the way even to the extent of carrying the box with the skull for me. 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