does reg b cover collection procedures

FDIC Consumer Compliance Examination Manual provides information and examination procedures to assist institutions with understanding and complying with fair lending-related requirements. Two commenters supported the proposal regarding record retention, noting that it would facilitate Start Printed Page 45686monitoring of fair lending laws and serve ECOA's purposes and that it seemed appropriate given the proposed amendments to 1002.5(a)(4). Refinancings. iii. The appendix provides that the use of its model forms is optional under Regulation B but that, if a creditor uses an appropriate appendix B model form, or modifies a form in accordance with instructions provided in appendix B, that creditor shall be deemed to be acting in compliance with 1002.5(b) through (d). The consumer and the financial institution (including an account for which an access device has been issued to the consumer, for example); ii. The Bureau proposed to amend 1002.5(a)(4) to authorize creditors to collect such information under certain additional circumstances. This will allow the information to be available for monitoring and enforcing compliance with ECOA, Regulation B, and other Federal or State statutes or regulations. The current Regulation B appendix includes five model forms, each designated for use in a particular type of consumer credit transaction. collection, as the CFPB defines by rule, and their service providers . More importantly, it gives applicants the chance to correct the creditor's mistakes in evaluating the applicant's creditworthiness. Therefore, the Bureau believes any operational costs from adopting the 2016 URLA are part of the normal course of business and are not a cost of the final rule. hXmo6+}wR@ N@WMv3Asc~HRHmP0(@J-,9)|PP9hZhkhF4+Ao j1x- sjzIwK[MvS}4=$BUzw3$ Similarly, because the substance and form of section 7 of the 2016 URLA is substantially similar to the form the Bureau provides as a model form in Regulation C, the 2016 URLA may be used in complying with 1002.13. If there is more than one co-applicant, a creditor is permitted, but is not required, to collect the information set forth in paragraph (a) of this section from a second or additional co-applicant. The Bureau published a final rule on October 28, 2015, amending Regulation C, with many of the amendments taking effect January 1, 2018. Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. HUMo8W,"Z[$hAX][RmyZ#=({x~6VX,k:JT%CXI qhTpz Specifically, Subpart payors.ADefines terms and provides for administrative enforcement Subpart BSpecifies availability schedules, or time frames within which banks must make funds 1691 et seq. The Bureau further received questions related to the Bureau Approval Notice about whether the approval for collecting disaggregated ethnicity and race categories under Regulation B in 2017 would be extended to 2018. Although the loan volumes of most of these institutions would be too sparse for statistical analysis, the ability to conduct comparative file reviews using data retained under Regulation B has some benefit. Under Section 1002.12Record retention, Paragraph 12(b) is revised. Commentary to the Regulation B appendix includes a discussion of two forms created by the Enterprises that are no longer in use: A 1992 version of the URLA and a 1986 home-improvement and energy loan application form. One commenter stated that extending the requirement to collect applicant demographic information on the basis of visual observation or surname to Regulation B-only creditors is outside the scope of ECOA. B prohibited practices (12 C.F.R. For applications subject to 1002.13(a)(1), a creditor may choose on an application-by-application basis whether to collect aggregate information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(A) or disaggregated information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(B) about the ethnicity and race of the applicant. documents in the last year, 121 A creditor that enters information items from a written application into a computerized or mechanized system and makes the credit decision mechanically, based only on the items of information entered into the system, may comply with 1002.12(b) by retaining the information actually entered. 23. publication in the future. Regulation B and Ethnicity and Race Information Collection, Comments Related to Other Changes to Regulation B, Section 1002.5Rules Concerning Requests for Information, 5(a)(4) Other Permissible Collection of Information, Section 1002.13Information for Monitoring Purposes, Appendix B to Part 1002Model Application Forms, Model Forms for Complying With Section 1002.13(a)(1)(i), Removal of the Official Commentary to Appendix B, VII. Other commenters did not directly address this alternative, but several industry commenters supported the flexibility of the proposal with respect to collection of disaggregated race and ethnicity information, implicitly opposing making this collection mandatory. Section 1002.12(b)(1) provides that creditors must retain records for 12 months for business credit, except as provided in 1002.12(b)(5). Sec. Z 36. The rule amends the Regulation B appendix to provide two options: A model form for collecting aggregate applicant race and ethnicity information and a cross-reference to the Regulation C appendix model form for collecting disaggregated applicant race and ethnicity information. documents in the last year, 37 A general description of the regulation, by section, follows. Answer: Reg B defines both an "application" and a "completed application" in section 202.2 (f). On September 23, 2016, the Bureau issued a notice concerning the collection of expanded information about ethnicity and race in 2017 (Bureau Approval Notice). To address these issues, the Bureau issued a proposal on March 24, 2017, which was published in the Federal Register on April 4, 2017 (the 2017 ECOA Proposal).[7]. For Regulation B creditors making mortgage loans subject to 1002.13, the rule will allow creditors to collect the applicant's information using either the aggregate ethnicity and race categories or disaggregated ethnicity and race categories and subcategories, as set forth in appendix B to Regulation C (the Regulation C appendix) as amended by 2011), available at The Bureau is also issuing this final rule pursuant to its authority under sections 1022 and 1061 of the Dodd-Frank Act. The Bureau also proposed to amend comment 12(b)-2 to require retention of applicant demographic information obtained pursuant to 1002.5(a)(4). Fair Credit Reporting Act (Reg V) FCRA is intended to ensure consumer reports are accurate and used for permissible purposes. The rule also removes as outdated the existing version of the URLA contained in the Regulation B appendix, effective January 1, 2022. The regulation also requires creditors to notify applicants of action taken on their applications; to report credit history in the names of both spouses on an account; to retain records of credit applications; to collect information about the applicant's race and other personal characteristics in applications for certain dwelling-related loans; See Fannie Mae, Guide Forms, available at (last visited Sept. 6, 2017) (listing all selling and servicing guide forms); Freddie Mac, Forms and Documents, available at (last visited Sept. 6, 2017) (same). Questions regarding ethnicity, race, sex, marital status, and age may be listed, at the creditor's option, on the application form or on a separate form that refers to the application. Thus, even if the Bureau were reconsidering its approach to visual observation or surname collection, which it is not, the Bureau does not believe the evidence submitted by the commenters demonstrate that collection based on visual observation or surname do not serve the purposes of ECOA. 0 See also comment 5(a)(2)-2. Creditors subject to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act should be aware, however, that data collection may be called for under Regulation C (12 CFR part 1003), which generally requires creditors to report, among other things, the sex and race of an applicant on brokered applications or applications received through a correspondent. Will Kenton is an expert on the economy and investing laws and regulations. Although the information collected under 1002.13 and Regulation C overlap, in part, as discussed in the 2017 ECOA Proposal, regulators will rely on applicant demographic information collected under 1002.13 to supervise and enforce fair lending laws, including for a substantial number of creditors that will not be required to report under revised Regulation C.36 documents in the last year, 36 should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official 7. In the same notice, the Bureau also determined that the relevant language in the 2016 URLA is in compliance with the regulatory provisions of Regulation B 1002.5(b) through (d), regarding requests for protected applicant-characteristic information and certain other information. For example, Hispanic or Latino as defined by OMB for the 2010 Census refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin. The Bureau does not believe that these comments are relevant to the 2017 ECOA Proposal and do not provide a basis to change the approach proposed by the Bureau in the 2017 ECOA Proposal. Commenters also noted that it would facilitate use of the 2016 URLA. 3 (a) Public-utilities credit. 32. Some or all of these institutions may also not have been required to report HMDA data. fbS`}R7E_ |.rgxp,gh bWFdd~N2 ]_r'xj`-]JRZPT/]kM;U::. Effective January 1, 2022, amend Appendix B to Part 1002 by revising paragraph 1 and under paragraph 3 removing the form Uniform Residential Loan Application. The Enterprises have announced that they will cease accepting older versions of the URLA at a date to be determined and require firms that sell to the Enterprises to use the 2016 URLA form. The Bureau does not have an estimate of the number of rural community banks that are currently exempt from HMDA reporting and originate at least 25 loans per year. Industry commenters noted this potential conflict and expressed their support for the proposal. In addition, the Bureau is adopting new 1002.5(a)(4)(v) and (vi) in response to comments, as discussed below. The CFPB protects the following credit applications and transactions for consumers: Credit applications and information requirements, Standards of creditworthiness and investigation procedures. In practice, the final rule simply makes clear that the existing collection required under revised Regulation C is sufficient for compliance with Regulation B. Rules for Taking Applications Section 202.5 Regulation B prohibits creditors from requesting and collecting specific personal information about an applicant that has no bearing on the applicant's Redlining is an unethical and illegal practice that denies loans or services to people living in majority-minority communities. For those HMDA reporters, the rule provides clarity that compliance with applicant information collection under Regulation C generally satisfies similar requirements under Regulation B. HMDA reporters who at some point no longer are required to comply with HMDA can continue to collect certain applicant information as provided for in 1002.5(a)(4). 5. These scenarios Start Printed Page 45681generally involve types of loans subject to Regulation C where a creditor voluntarily reports information under Regulation C, reported such information in the past five years, or may report such information in the near future. [FR Doc. Z8m'POn0k6j'T]]>o:gzwzBOLLX6XaXDfB{cQftl9GTFS7_^W/nX6[ 210.3 General provisions.*. Errors in credit reports are fairly common, and many people only find out about them after being denied credit. 1. The Bureau does not believe that flexibility will result in additional burden and reiterates that 1002.13(a)(1)(i) would permit a Regulation B-only creditor to maintain its existing practices and collect aggregate race and ethnicity categories. To determine whether the credit union is in compliance with those requirements of ECOA that are set forth in Regulation B. The changes to Regulation B in this rule are summarized briefly in this section and discussed in detail below. [34] For the reasons set forth above, the Bureau amends Regulation B, 12 CFR part 1002, as set forth below: 1. Reg B mandates that lenders provide explanations to rejected applicants within 30 days of receiving their completed applications. As further discussed in the Section 1022(b) analysis below, the Bureau believes that the additional burden would have few benefits. edition of the Federal Register. The Bureau believes that, if a creditor voluntarily collects applicant demographic information pursuant to 1002.5(a)(4), the creditor should be required to maintain those records in the same manner as it does for protected applicant-characteristic information it is required to collect. These changes will primarily benefit institutions that may be near the loan volume reporting threshold, such that they may be required to report under HMDA and Regulation C in some years and not others, or may be uncertain about their reporting status. This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the The final rule will provide creditors flexibility in complying with Regulation B in order to facilitate compliance with Regulation C and transition to the 2016 URLA. (b) Obtaining information. As discussed above in the section-by-section analysis for 1002.5(a)(4), the Bureau is also adopting new 1002.5(a)(4)(vi) to permit collection of applicant demographic information for second or additional co-applicants in certain circumstances, thereby providing additional optionality for creditors to maintain consistent collection practices under Regulation B and Regulation C.Start Printed Page 45689. The Bureau received no comments on the proposal to remove the 2004 URLA or the timing of the removal and so is finalizing removal of the 2004 URLA as proposed. at 43132, 43145 (1003.2(g)(1)(v)(B), (g)(2)(ii)(B), and 1003.3(c)(12)). on NARA's Thus, the final rule has the added benefit that it will allow Regulation B-only creditors to use the 2016 URLA as an instrument to collect race and ethnicity information. The primary benefit to lenders from the final rule is the reduced uncertainty and compliance burden from allowing the disaggregated race and ethnicity information collected under Regulation C to be used to comply with Regulation B. Financial institutions that report under Regulation C, have reported in the prior five years, or may report in the near future may also be affected by this rule. ii. Having considered the comments received and for the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is finalizing 1002.13(a)(1)(i) as proposed. Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. 6. !qZ{r![6|(:9'nG%8}tB\iJ9 DIbsH NB8- 03/01/2023, 828 2. Home Mortgage Disclosure (Regulation C), 80 FR 66128 (Oct. 28, 2015). the Federal Register. 5. Accordingly, the Bureau is not removing the Regulation B requirement to collect and retain race and ethnicity information. Another industry commenter was concerned about how a creditor would decide which collection method to use and whether the instruction could have a discriminatory impact. Start Printed Page 45687Thus, the Bureau concludes that retaining 1002.13 serves the purposes of ECOA to promote the availability of credit to all creditworthy applicants without regard to protected characteristics. Having considered the comments received and for the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is finalizing 1002.5(a)(4)(i) through (iv) generally as proposed with minor wording changes for clarity, finalizing new 1002.5(a)(4)(v) and (vi), and finalizing the conforming amendments to comment 5(a)(2)-2 and new comment 5(a)(4)-1 as proposed. 1. 45. ECOA authorizes the Bureau to issue regulations to carry out the purposes of ECOA. Predatory Lending Laws: What You Need to Know, Discrimination in Insurance Underwriting Guidelines. Your institution is required to establish procedures to ensure that it complies with the requirements of Regulation CC and to provide a copy of these procedures to all employees who perform duties affected by the regulation. The Bureau proposed to add 1002.5(a)(4) to authorize a creditor to obtain information in certain additional specified circumstances other than as described in 1002.5(a)(2). Yes. However, revised Regulation C will not require or permit covered institutions to use the disaggregated subcategories when collecting and reporting the applicant's ethnicity and race based on visual observation or surname.[13]. The Bureau believes that making collection of disaggregated race and ethnicity an option for all entities covered by Regulation B will pose little or no additional burden on those entities who are not HMDA reporters. If you are using public inspection listings for legal research, you Reg. a. Examination Procedures ii. documents in the last year, 822 iii. Appendix B to 12 CFR part 1003 provides a data collection model form for collecting information concerning an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex that complies with the requirements of 1002.13 (a) (1) (i) (B) and (ii). The Bureau is adopting 1002.5(a)(4)(vi) to address the commenter's suggestion by clarifying that the collection of applicant demographic information for additional borrowers is permitted. As the Bureau noted in the 2017 ECOA Proposal, without a time limit such voluntary collection would permit a creditor to collect protected applicant-characteristic information for a period of time that is too attenuated from any past Regulation C legal requirement and associated compliance process. 15 U.S.C. Under Dodd-Frank Act section 1022(b)(1), the Bureau has authority to prescribe rules as may be necessary or appropriate to enable the Bureau to administer and carry out the purposes and objectives of the Federal consumer financial laws and to prevent evasions thereof. [35] [40] ), Federal agencies are generally required to seek the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s approval for information collection requirements prior to implementation. When a creditor collects ethnicity and race information pursuant to 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(A), the applicant must be offered the option to select more than one racial designation. hb```l~1DFFAFFfFFAAFg=5v_-09# O;$pIr$;[S3kX}],FO"em b?yrYZZFGD(A(fU6'UWlQ+\s0 $Hie+H[qUReJ,'$( b0ptxt0 @` vqm9@i#1;s{/8pqoFGiM [j iq+:Hc` c0 5 Appendix B to 12 CFR part 1003 provides a data collection model form for collecting information concerning an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex that complies with the requirements of 1002.13(a)(1)(i)(B) and (ii). Even accepting the commenter's premise, however, the Bureau notes again that it believes the additional benefits of this alternative to be quite limited because, among other reasons, many Regulation B-only creditors are likely to eventually collect disaggregated race and ethnicity data through adoption of the 2016 URLA. Document Drafting Handbook Proposed 1002.5(a)(4)(iii) would permit a creditor that falls below both of the revised Regulation C loan-volume thresholds to continue to collect applicant demographic information for five calendar years after first becoming exempt from HMDA reporting. Regulation B 1. Currently the disaggregated race and ethnicity categories required by the amendments to Regulation C in the 2015 HMDA Final Rule, effective January 1, 2018, do not match the categories specified in current Regulation B. hbbd``b`>$[A#` , b)@,k $301rY~0 # For class actions, the creditor could face a penalty of $500,000 or 1% of the creditors net worth, whichever is lower. The Bureau received no comments specifically addressing the revisions to proposed comment 13(b)-1, and so is finalizing it as proposed. The fifth model form, the 2004 URLA, is described in the Regulation B appendix as appropriate for residential mortgage transactions and contains a model disclosure for use in complying with current 1002.13. The spouses of rejected married applicants also have the right to this information. An industry service provider asked the Bureau to provide guidance regarding whether the term natural person as used in Regulation B and Regulation C includes living trusts or sole proprietorships. Appendix B to this part provides for two alternative data collection model forms for use in complying with the requirements of 1002.13(a)(1)(i) and (ii) to collect information concerning an applicant's ethnicity, race, and sex. Note that the language that follows is taken directly from the regulation, which appears in the References portion of this section. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on These costs include greater operational costs and one-time database upgrades. Answer by David Dickinson: The definition of applicant in Reg B Section 202.2: (e) Applicant means any person who requests or who has received an extension of credit from a creditor, and includes any person who is or may become contractually liable regarding an extension of credit.For purposes of Section 202.7(d), the term includes guarantors, sureties, endorsers, and similar parties. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. The Bureau does not believe that there will be an adverse impact on access to credit resulting from any of the provisions of the final rule. [44] Credit denial is the rejection of a credit application by a prospective lender, usually due to its assessment that the applicant is not creditworthy. The Bureau also believes that permitting creditors to collect certain protected applicant-characteristic information in these circumstances provides a narrow exception to the general limitations in 1002.5(b) through (d) respects the purposes of those prohibitions. A place where you can easily find solutions and ask questions A creditor that accepts an application by telephone or mail must request the monitoring information. [3] The commenter argued that the availability of the 2016 URLA would reduce the cost of collecting disaggregated race and ethnicity information, and advocated for a two-year implementation period for mandatory disaggregated collection to further reduce the costs. The RFA defines a small business as a business that meets the size standard developed by the Small Business Administration pursuant to the Small Business Act. One of these commenters stated that the collection of applicant demographic information is duplicative of Regulation C and that removing this requirement in Regulation B would reduce burden. documents in the last year, 20 Specifically, covered institutions must permit applicants to self-identify their ethnicity and race using certain disaggregated ethnic and racial subcategories such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban under the aggregate category Hispanic or Latino. Section, follows, follows B ) is revised with understanding and complying with lending-related! General description of the Regulation B appendix includes five model forms, each designated use... Expressed their support for the proposal Act ( Reg V ) FCRA intended!, which appears in the last year, 37 a general description of the URLA! 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