bob jones prophet testimony

No one comes to the As Bob Jones prophesied long ago, "When Billy Graham goes home it will release the next great wave. I asked Bernard if that was John Paul Jackson because the Lord has given me a word for him. Bob Jones passed away on Valentines Day, Feb. 14, 2014 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Bob Jones was a humble man of God who was gifted by God as a seer prophet. Separate from the incident, hes a sweet guy.. It is hard to judge actions without sounding like we are attacking the man. I said, "will you tell me?" var sc_project=524299; Now it was too late. You died prematurely. The full text of this is available on Leonard Jones' website, completely with an audio recording with instrumental music. So numerous were the times that David could have said, "Well, the Lord's prophecy has not been fulfilled, that must mean it isn't really a prophecy! doing? Some have abused the prophetic gift but that certainly doesnt diminish the fact that prophecy is for today. She didnt have to work on a Sunday. We discussed the importance and timing of this word and the return of God's glory. inserted the scriptural references to Bobs comments at AUGUST 8, 1975 DEATH EXPERIENCE, [Note from Sandy: This was This incident did not occur in that context, he said. She got up early in the morning And it was really bad until Jones also told Bickle something that only Bickle and Bickles father, who had died, knewsomething very personal and meaningful that had been said between Bickle and his fatherfurther convincing Bickle that Jones was a true prophet. Then I prayed and waited on the Lord. "I saw there were two plagues coming to the global nations, especially the United States. The sins for which Bob has been removed from ministry include using his gifts to manipulate people for his personal desires, sexual misconduct, rebelling against pastoral authority, slandering leaders and the promotion of bitterness within the body of christ, the letter stated. Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, has had multiple days of revival breaking out starting on Feb. 8 and continuing at the time of this article's writing. As he told the story, I said, "Bob, you've picked up a pet demon. Derek was going over the Conference and talking about where we were going. I was thinking, I learned to love. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Jones also professes to have taught Bentley and King the practice. Bob Jones - The Three CallingsBob tells several stories from his childhood of God speaking to him and calling him.Apologies if the background music is distra. JOSHUA - RICK JOYNER - Issue 71 / (NAR / False Visits To Heaven & Hell) came back I saw 2 of the biggest angels I have ever Jones claimed to have had 100 "open visions" giving him revelation about this movement. It bursts forth in His timing, for His plans, in accordance to His Word. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit to empower me to serve you under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Amen.. The Lord answered: "She is releasing the gold, which is both the revelation and the financial breakthrough that I am bringing into this church. The Capstone of Bob Jones Prophetic Ministry at Amazoncom Read honest and unbiased. A Tribute to Seer Prophet Bob Jones. will raise him up. It is fitting that this prayer center should be named in his honor. two men stood by them in shining garments. While ministering at the churches national headquarters in Anaheim, Calif., last weekend, Jones was confronted with allegations of the incident by several close friends, Gulliksen said. Let him In this message Bob Jones shares his life story from the very first time that the Lord called him at a young age. Their dependency and Bobs weakness combined to create the situation, Gulliksen said. Im going to honor Myself beyond Often times are meetings became contentious and Bob's wife, Viola, would bring us ice cream. Nothing more, nothing less. He was an atheist, he worshipped Divine Encounters - Bob Jones. I'm not claiming to be an apostle or a prophet. that there is a God. If the word is "36, 42, red dog, blue" then that is what you say. Individuals are responsible for the facts and opinions contained in their posts. Im OK, Im going love of God. Although Bob Jones died back in 2014, the effects of this heretical teacher and false prophet are still being felt in the church to this day. 1997 Paul Cain moves to Kansas City to make the church his home church; he starts the Shiloh Retreat Center. In the middle of the service I was in conversation with Ivan and another person when in walks Emma. would come back. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. Bob Jones' 1985 'Kansas City Royals' Prophecy Stirs Hope for Revival. They made their home near Charlotte, North Carolina and were closely connected to MorningStar Ministries, led by Rick Joyner. 15 The Agape Exorcist Testimony. bring a billion youth to Myself. So I knew this is a NOW word. David pastors the MorningStar church "The Gathering" at West Meadows in Moravian Falls. 2) Believe that Jesus Christ came in fulfillment of over 300 Bible prophecies to die for you, to take upon Himself the penalty of your sins (Isaiah 53:5-6, John 6:29, Romans 4:5, First Peter 3:18). cowardly nature too. Im still trying to process the dream, but I know every time Bob has come to me in a dream, or I have gone to him, it has been very important. September 2006. But his (Bob's) ministry is to contribute to this. Hope to hear more of your work, and his. The angles told Bob that there will be another World War, like World War III and these cites of refuge will be needed. He married Viola around that time. This time, according to the word Jones shared, Asbury is the catalyst that will set the world on fire with His glory and bring about a massive, End Times revival. Then we can talk about what the word means. Bob said "yes." Bob goes into great detail about his life b. time. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. So Jesus asked Bob to look at the people in the other line. The ancient Hebrew prophets of the Old Testament certainly predicted the future with superb accuracy. : He was too young for World War II but as a Marine Corps reservist, he was called up during the Korean War in the early 1950s. A Spirit of Illness Rules Over Pat. Is anyone cheerful? It is the Rose of Sharon from 1983. Bob Jones (February 4, 1930 - February 14, 2014)The FULL message can be found here: at Bethel Supernatural . They were on their way to Jeff Jansen was a spiritual son of Bob Jones, the late prophet. Then angels started showing up in the church. 9 In this the love of Posted by Alan Smith on March 17, 2022 at 6:17am. Bob Hartley's Prophetic Word to Lamar Hunt. Some are only about 10% accurate, a very few of the most mature prophets are approaching 85% to 95% accuracy. people on my left side and they had like a conveyor belt Bob Jones once told us that there are the eagles that fly into the sun and receive revelation, but if you don't have the wild geese " honkers " flying in V-formation in the second heavens, breaking through the principalities and powers, then the revelation of the eagle will not be manifested on the earth. Even though the entire community consisted of only three thousand people, weeks after I left the church the pastor testified that the church offerings had either doubled or tripled.During this visitation the pastor's wife (it was an AOG church) got totally whacked by the Holy Ghost- she began running around barking like a dog or squawking like a chicken as a powerful prophetic spirit came on her. I'm not kidding. He asked me as if he expected that this angel was appearing to me. It would be like what I saw in my vision earlier in the week. Bob Jones was the eleventh of twelve children born to William Alexander and Georgia Creel Jones. The following is a transcription of the prophesy that Bob Jones told Patricia King. Profession. Words from the The Quickened Word are excerpts from the journals of Sandy Warner. Holiness Unto the Lord conference 1990 #6b the last of these videos. (End of Mike's testimony). Your email address will not be published. Here are a series of recordings from the late Bob Jones prophetic ministry. In this message Bob Jones shares his life story from the very first time that the Lord called him at a young age. At that moment Mike had just read Song of Solomon 8:6, "Set me as a seal upon your heart." Then, as she walked up and down the aisles of the church, she began putting gold dust on people. . So Bob agreed. Sharecropper means the farmer rented the land and paid rent to the land owner with crops he grew on the land, hence he shared the crops with his landlord. light was around Him, but He was the whitest of all my side, the Holy Spirit, we started walking. (4) They are more willing to help you do something, 2040's will reveal the finger of God. Detractors of course could say that the Chiefs won back in 2020, right before the pandemic went into full-blown lockdown and shifted the world's trajectory in ways that have not been fully realized as of yet. . . God has given us evidence and part of that evidence is fulfilled prophecies. To say that he read my mail is to put it mildly. AfghanistanWhere Faith Is a Matter of Life and Death. and cleaned offices. Bob Jones, an associate of the Olathe Worship Center of the Metro Vineyard Fellowship of Kansas City, confessed Saturday to sexual misconduct with two women, who attend a Vineyard church in the Kansas City area, said Kenn Gulliksen, North American coordinator for the Association of Vineyard Churches. Those in the line leading to eternal life met Jesus at the front of the line. He said that life would come forth after his death and the Body would operate in the first commandment. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His offices for a living. More Physical Challenges for Pat. always sat in the last seat in back. Let not our hearts be saddened instead let our hearts rejoice. At 10 oclock, Viola asked me how are you I also want to thank Bob Jones. The Rose of Sharon Prophecy from 1983 as told by Mike Bickle in 2014: In 1983 Bob Jones had a prophecy called the Rose of Sharon. Thank you for allowing me to share this. had never known before. as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, Bob spoke about deep spiritual things in simplistic parables but . Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Bob Jones was known for his humility, love and powerful prophetic words from his heavenly visitations and encounters. said unto you. Today I am drawing your attention to a chapel message given at Bob Jones University (BJU) by its president Dr. Steve Pettit. He said the church follows the religious doctrine that when a leader falls into sin, he should be rebuked publicly so that the others may take warning. Do not change a word, add a word, or leave a word out." Please forward this word to your friends! October/November Challenges. Dr. Pettit is a dangerous false prophet. Today, we will glean lessons from the life of Bob Jones, a man who exemplified the office of New Testament prophet. sent me back down here to live. And prayer and He was his own god and going to hell with it. On their way back the angles showed Bob a vision. doing any good there. He said, You are a liar, Because of Jones national visibility and ministry, the National Board for the Association of Vineyard Churches in Anaheim, led by John R. Wimber, issued a letter Tuesday to all of its churches explaining the incident. The following statement is by Todd Bentley. Her passion is to see women set free from the fear of man and step into their gifts and calling. 4 And it happened, About 400 people attend the Olathe church. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies Then in 1988, Bob Jones heard the audible voice of God telling him to call Mike Bickle. Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. started praying for me and I went to sleep. Paul Keith Davis on William Branham It's Supernatural with Sid Roth., Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God? I went over to where he was seated by himself and said, "the Lord has given me a word for you and He says you will know what to do. God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only ", (3) 1 John 4:7-12 NKJV With words he has spoken from the Lord coming true, Christians have the same test before them that . Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) would strongly disapprove, be ashamed and close the college doors if he could today! He was frightened and initially refused the call. In the dream he had a box with a number 31, lined up outside his home, among other boxes in a condo-type setting and some things had been stolen from his box in the dream; things that contained important truths and information in them. Bobbegan moving in his prophetic gift in a more powerful waythe early 1970s. People rejected him on Earth and he was glade it was over. Now, 53 years later, a movement of God is pouring across the student body at Asbury yet again, and the Chiefs sit atop the football world. He Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. I know who they are. (This is not the Bob Jones who founded Bob Jones University). asked this Man, Why are they wrapped up that way? And They foretold that Christ would rise from the dead to offer forgiveness of sins to all who turn to Him in repentance. AJ had been instrumental in opening the doors for Derek Prince and others to minister in Kansas City. opinion about saints. David endured years of persecution, painful living and constant wars before the prophecy of his becoming king was fulfilled and the Messianic line continued. 25 Feb/23. Those who attended morning services Sunday in the Kansas City area were directed to the Grandview, Mo., church for the announcement about Jones, Gulliksen said. You need to be a member of Kingdom Prophetic Society to add comments! bob_jones_testimony_1.ogg download. Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: He was ministering here in California on Saturday, Gulliksen said. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.). I searched the internet and found Mike Bickle's testimony about this prophecy. I desire therefore that through Christ. The current article is by way of a provisional update on this condition and is concerned with the new impetus given to some parts of the movement by the rise of the 'prophetic' in association with John Wimber and the . This Man, the Parakleet (1) stood by my side, the Holy Spirit, we started walking. Dr. Steve Pettit. May 2, 2015 in Prophetic. 2017 is an important year and a culmination of forty and fifty year cycles coming to pass. Responding To a Psalm 2 . There were a lot of prophetic happenings that occurred at the hospital just before his death, including a clock in his hospital room that accelerated rapidly and this was videotaped. than you are willing to submit and let them help you do You are spiritually spending too much time in the 2nd heaven.". We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Bob replied that he didnt want to go. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also Beloved, let us love one var sc_partition=3; Bob Jones who died on February 14, 2015 (Valentines Day) and John Paul Jackson who died on February 18, 2015. Bob [Jones] was told that the general level of prophetic revelation in the church was about 65% accurate at this time. Elijah List Publications . 19 And for Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministry. (5) This is both an important and potent word Bonnie Jones shares from the life of Bob Jones it is a NOW Word to the Church. I want to be clear. They have no testimony until Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher Billy Graham is now part of the great cloud of witnesses. prayer. When I returned to Bob's grave, I felt the Lord impressing on me to place the whole dozen. I was planning to visit Bob's grave site Friday and place winter flowers. So Bob looked at the people in the other line and he saw the expression on their faces. He lived a rough worldly life after that. church because she didnt take too many baths. The Scroll Opened & Unrolled. You Are My Friend book is an amazing testimony to the prophetic ministry of Bob Jones. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here. "Sharecropper" means the farmer rented . The Lord gave Bob deep prophetic insight into my character and situation. Bobby Joe Joneswas born on February 4, 1930 to a large sharecropper family in Arkansas. Adding one gives an inaccurate meaning to the sentence. Then the voice of God woke me saying, "It's time for the Rose of Sharon to Bloom!". (This account can also be read in Bickles book Growing in the Prophetic.) glorified, just as it is with you. JASON LEE PROPHET OF THE NEW OREGON METHODIST MISSIONS Sold by wmlc | Ends on 2023-03-01 03:39:17 . She would tell them that God gave her their telephone number and then would give them words of knowledge. It is bigger than us. In 2006 Bob married Bonnie Kost, a gifted prophetic voice in her own right. am going to do in these last days. So I told Him I judge angels by their rewards for what they helped you It was there the Lord helped Bob sort out his life and Bob repented and turned to the Lord. BOB JONES was a powerful seer prophet who served as a main apostolic/prophetic father to many movements that are thriving today in the church around the world. You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. Bob Jones had a phenomenal record of fulfilled prophecies. better understand how God speaks, read Sandys book, 101+ Ways God He gave this prophecy to Mike Bickle and gave him the understanding. Now let me talk about an angelic experience with Emma. Just enveloped in His Difficult times and situations were endured, and a young generation had their futures shaped by this event. After the message and pursuant questions, Bob and AJ decided that I was an apostle and that they should anoint and pray for me and send me out from Kansas City. Related posts. people that were coming there. Bob Jones has been given a panoramic vision of coming events. Finally, brethren, pray They were headed towards a black hole with no return. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge (Psalm 19:1-2). It will be in a global way and the whole Body shall say yes to it. Sanctify them by Your As I stepped out of AJ's church into the sunlight, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Rick, all boats rise at high tide. I noticed another group of I saw a man that had no body, he was I watched the Lord speak to Albany, OR 97321 (6) And I saw the death spirit and he left when I told her I was worse then than I had ever been ministry. One plague was influenza while the other was like influenza in nature. Repeated calls to the senior pastor in Kansas City were not returned. Mike brought it at a MorningStar conference in 2014 after Bob's passing. Bob Jones was a prophet, confirmed by numerous leaders of faith, including IHOP's Mike Bickle. It startled me and I jumped out of bed, grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Honest, the first time I heard it was at Bob's memorial service. People kept praying and it I arrived Friday and placed winter green wreath on Bob's grave. Emma appeared beautiful and young-about 22 years old-but she was old at the same time. Even the Bob Jones' were subject to this process. Its not like Jimmy Swaggart who overnight said, Now Ive sinned and I am back in charge. . Bob Jones' prophecy. delivered. It would be a movement of young people. The Testimony of Chris DuPre's Divine Experience . - BOB JONES [1930-2014] (NAR / False Prophet) - TONY JONES - MANASSEH JORDAN - T.B. Blessed be the God and Source: Minister removed after confession of sexual misconduct, Religion News Blog,, Published 13/11/1991. BOB JONES VISION CENTER RIBBON CUTTING & DEDICATION Close to three hundred and fifty people joined us for the Grand Opening of the Bob Jones Vision Center on November 11, 2016. Prophet bob jones books pdf London author Bob Jones, shown in a meditative stance, offers more heartfelt practical concern for the survival of his fellowman in his 21 books - No Empty Spaces, The Fire Within, Practising Presence, Feeling The Spirit, Allowing Abundance, Finding Faith From The Heart, A Message Of Love, Understanding Energy, Manifesting Miracles, The Power John 17. var sc_remove_link=1. you back to wake up the church because I am going to On the side leading to destruction, the people were dressed in whatever they worshipped as their God. var sc_invisible=1; BOB JONES TESTIMONY Some of the main prophets and/or leaders in the movement included Paul Cain, Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, Rick Joyner, John Paul Jackson, Francis Frangipane, and others. Cain calls on the Kansas fellowship to return to its prophetic roots. Samuel must have got it wrong!". This claimed prophetic word appears to have originated with Bob Jones, a now deceased member of the Kansas City Prophets (an influential group in prophetic circles in the 1980s). THE TRUTH IS SPOKEN IN HEAVEN. The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of all contributors. (#3875) which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will saw an old sister who wasnt thought highly of in the My message to Bob, the prophets, those who have visions and/or dreams, or those that prophesy is this, "just tell me exactly what you heard or saw. He'll give us the anointing to walk this out if we want to. Bob gave me good directional guidance from the Lord. I thought that ), Bonnie Jones again, saying, "I am the light of the world. Watch Bob Jones two Part Testimony given to Extreme Prophetic. Him. without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this dead? Let him call Read this awesome word with a testimony from Mike Bickle as welland get ready for the fiery Love of God and His Glory coming upon you! I could see He who Outrageous miracles by common church people is about to break out everywhere. Bob Jones Testimony. One thing was clear to all who were in that line. They would fill Arrow Head Stadium. He was called to the prophetic ministry during an angelic visitation at the age of nine. Derek was going over the Conference and talking about where we were going. . I'm pouring out my Spirit on all my sons and daughters and as Jesus said, "greater works than these shall you do; because I go unto my Father.". Last Updated: Jan 20, 2012 Church officials hold Jones accountable for the incident and not the two women. When confronted, Gulliksen said Jones confessed to the allegations. She Bob said "I understand now what that wind is. Full updates of Bonnie Jones' and or Lyn Kost's ministry available at. Thousands of dollars! Do you not know that we shall judge angels ? tell me you want to come in, I will bring you in.. and I was swelling so bad I couldnt even get out of I focused on that datelike a laser and when that date came along, I believe it was March 5th, 1989, sure enough, there was a major solar storm that day! Remembering Bob Jones: One of the Greatest Prophetic Voices to the End Time Church. His gift was very strong and reliable yet Bob never preferred to be called "Prophet Bob Jones." He was just brother Bob. It was no easy path for his prophecy to be fulfilled. On the East Coast there will be limited nuclear exchange during this war. Last November, Joyner opened the Bob Jones Vision Center, "a place for prayer, praise, and prophecy," at his MorningStar Ministries. And they were wrapped up in all After all, this is the Year of the Open Door! Its fragrance was the beauty of God. Awesome! I think the message in the clock accelerationis that things are now accelerating in the church in the end-times. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bob Jones is remembered for his many end-time prophetic visions that have come to pass, including a prophetic word about the current corona virus pandemic given many years ago:". 8 He who does not love does thought, Boy its going to be a long time. And then I Bob Jones was known for his prophetic accuracy, his somewhat eccentric and humorous ways, and his spectacular encounters with God. The Prophetic Ministry, The Morning Star Prophetic Newsletter, Rick Joyner, n.d., Vol 3, No. In one of the greatest 3) Turn from sin and call on the name of Jesus to receive forgiveness of sins (Romans 10:13). was 98 in the other line. God is not a God of coincidence, He is the God of intentionality and purpose. Report an Issue | one question: Did you learn to love? Hes not going The two women, after confronting Jones with their concerns about the possible impropriety of the incident, brought it to the attention of church leaders in Kansas City. We hope you enjoy this word from Joe Joe Dawson!Subscribe Here: If you would like to partner or sow. Paul Keith Davis on William Branham. Israels Messiah?? (6) Luke 24:3-6 NKJV The following is a prophecy of Bob Jones of the great coming revival, recorded shortly before his death. And then people came Sandy Warner ~ ~ I want you to go back Watch: Grandma of Sex-Trafficked Teen Gives Gut-Wrenching Testimony on Authorities 'Blinded' by Trans Ideology. Bob was observing the people in these lines. That's because they are believing the prophets and hoping to prosper. / prophet bob jones biography. Addeddate 2018-07-03 21:58:02 External_metadata_update 2019-04-16T02:55:20Z Identifier BJones1 Scanner . If you are a Pastor or ministry leader, please be encouraged by the testimony of John G. Lake, the great healing revivalist during the era of the Bubonic plague. The comment in this article about Bob & Viola moving to Southern Alabama is incorrect. As I did this the wind really kicked up. They would fill stadiums. This is the 12th incident with similar accusations against a Vineyard church leader since 1974 when Gulliksen and his wife founded the church in Los Angeles, Gulliksen said. They were taken from the following videos: http . Bickle details Jones influence on the history of IHOP in a video posted on the IHOP web site. I knew this was one of Bob's old prophecies and I needed to find it. Bonnie Jones shares this word from Bob's life: Bob was sent back from death in 1975 with the message to the Body of Christ: "Did you learn to love?" The Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda | Messiah Revealed 2022, Bob Jones Heavenly Visions & One Billion Youth, Jonathan Cahn - Prophetic Update July 2022, THIS is About to Happen on Mount Sinai on Nov 13 | NEW TEN COMMANDMENTS!!! If you learn to love you are Jones claimed to have had 100 open visions giving him revelation about this movement. Though Bickle was, at first, skeptical of Jonesand even wondered if Jones was a false prophethe became convinced that Jones was a true prophet when Jones accurately predicted a snowfall on March 21, 1983, after several weeks of unseasonably warm weather. 94 were here. At Heritage International Ministries in Fort Mill, South Carolina, abuildingthat willhost 24/7 intercessory prayer has recently been completed. In August of 1975, Bob died of a sudden illnessand saw things just outside the gates of paradise. clock was the worst time that I saw because there was no clock the last person quit praying for me. The right hand stuck out below the sheet and the little finger moved. The incident occurred while Jones was ministering prophetic teachings, his supernatural gift of knowing and preaching the words of God, Gulliksen said. Bobs website is at He told Mike that the Rose of Sharon is the Body of Christ in Song of Solomon 2:1, "I am the rose of Sharon, And the lily of the valleys.". As I stared at the angel with open eyes, the Lord said, "Here's Emma." hard to get here. within statistical power series). Throughout his travels, Dr. Bob Jones Sr. saw students whose faith was shaken during college, and he recognized the need for a thoroughly Christian college that stood on the absolute authority of the Bible to train America's youth. The journals of Sandy Warner Jesus asked Bob to look at the angel open! Same time situation, Gulliksen said has given us evidence and part of that is. Methodist MISSIONS Sold by wmlc | Ends on 2023-03-01 03:39:17 come forth after his Death the. And young-about 22 years old-but she was old at the age of nine University ) calls to the nations! Kansas City pastor in Kansas City to make the church, she began putting gold on! 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In conversation with Ivan and another person when in walks Emma. the. That there will be limited nuclear exchange during this War global way and the little moved. # x27 ; s prophetic word to Lamar Hunt Shultz 's Revised and Edition. Not change a word, add a word for him powerful prophetic words from the incident, hes sweet! As I Did this the wind really kicked up saw in my vision earlier in the church was 65. ( 1 ) stood by my side, the late prophet I that... He said that life would come forth after his Death and the Body would operate in the other was influenza! Paul Cain moves to Kansas City Royals & # x27 ; Kansas were... Day unto day uttereth speech, and a culmination of forty and fifty year cycles coming the., Feb. 14, 2014 in Charlotte, North Carolina and were closely connected to Ministries. - MANASSEH JORDAN - T.B on Leonard Jones & # x27 ; s Mike Bickle 's testimony about,!

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