Why do all my channels say to be announced Xfinity? Why does every channel on my Comcast cable say "To Be . What is Return Call (*69) and how do I use it? My Comcast Guide Says To Be Announced Read PDF Comcast Guide Comcast Guide Discover the Xfinity Channel Lineup currently available in your area. This is what we need to know what you have, if you have a SWM switch you may have a bad cable/connector at the switch. How do I change the My Shows sorting method? And waited 15 seconds. I have tried unplugging and then resetting and that does not fix the problem. Techwalla may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Refresh your Direct TV channels and service. (i.e. With a comcast Multistream card in it. Typically, you cable box will begin downloading programming information after it has been reset. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It may take a few hours to completely re-load the information for your on-screen channel guide. On my Direct TV channel guide, all the HD channels list TO BE ANNOUNCED, even though the programs are there. Does it use an existing cable hook up? Pic would help. Can I pause, rewind, and fast-forward On Demand programs? Find the power button on the Xfinity cable box and hold it down for about 30 seconds. What is High-Definition Television (HDTV)? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. All channels say " to be announced" I've reset the box 3 times, did the exit exit exit 720 and still the same! They all display the guide as "Regular Schedule". How do I check my email when I am away from home? On my RCA television, all channels say, "One Moment Please, this channel should be available shortly, Ref Code: SOaOO". Re: Missing xfinity Cable Channels when streaming through Roku device. On this tab you can view the model number and MAC address of each X1 TV Box in your home. This commonly happens after a power outage or after you have reset your cable box by unplugging the power cable. And it is intermittent on a channel - the 2:30 program name may display, but then the 3:00 gets one of the previously mentioned messages. Load your TV listings, and then click the "Change" button located at the top of the grid. This Week" programming and look ahead to what content is going to be unlocked in future weeks, customers can simply say "Free This Week" into their voice remote. Why am I not getting advertised speeds on my Wi-Fi network? If you have a Contour/whole-home DVR setup, power-cycle the Host DVR first, then the clients. It's nightmare when I have to set up manual recording for season pass after season pass. Does that sound right, or possible? It has been over a month and the TIVO HD on the 1st Floor has not been updated with the new channels. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. All channels say "To be . I'm looking into updating my box to X1. Most said instead, 'Teams TBA'. If the On-Screen Guide is displaying a "To Be Announced" message rather than program information on some or all . All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. The host-less show is making a major move to online streaming only. How do I recover a recently deleted recording? The channels where available with all the guide information. For the past 2 days the Guide on both of my TV's say 'To Be Announced' on every channel. CMT is now part of the add-on Sports Package, which according to Xfinity.com is between $7.00 and $9.00 more per month. If the power goes out, do I need to reset my Parental Locks and Purchase PINs, Favorite Channels, Locks and Reminders? The "To Be Announced" message on your guide indicates that no programming information is being provided by the broadcaster or your cable box has not downloaded the programming information for that date/time. I signed up for Nomorobo, but I am still getting calls from a certain number or calls that should not be blocked are not getting through. All the channels work just fine. Is a DTA required to view SECVs channel lineups on TVs with built-in QAM tuners? Why do I see a big black box/words scrolling at the bottom of my screen? What do I do? I recently upgraded to an additional tier of service. Can I get On Demand from a Satellite provider? Why doesn't the converter respond when I press the keys on my remote? I do not know you situation as far as ether net connections go though. What is the difference between a digital converter and a DTA? For every entry in the program/show grid, the following message is displayed, "To Be Announced." I tried the online tool for system check and choose the reset device option. The reasons the guide data changed could be caused by a Signal outage (loss) due to weather or you may be a sign or system (LNB) trouble - Should it happen again -You may need a service call to correct it. Does SECV phone service go across the public Internet? Enter your ZIP code in the provided field, and then press the "Search" button. What can I control with Parental Controls? While other channels work have all the data. If there have been recent storms in your location, they may be working on the cables which can cause delays in this type of updating to your box. I too am in central CT - West Hartford. 1. Remove all duplicates, and move the music channels to different guides. Avoid missing your favorite shows by updating your listings guide. How do I navigate the on-screen program guide? I'm not sure about the overall configuration, but the Genie setup was just installed a little over a month ago. Is there a problem through out Cox cable or is this an issue just for us? "title not available " and guess what too, THE PROGRAM DIDN'T RECORD! I have the SAME PROBLEM!! Internet TV Phone Bundles Channels Coverage. What is Call Waiting and how do I use it? Follow the wire from the roof down - when it ends is the swm block where your mini's connect and genie - Since your service was just installed - CAll the "MAN" it will be no charge since it's been less than 90 days- Look outside for the ground block before the swm block. Okay, I found the SWM block, and there is water in one of the lines, presumably 101. How many Plume Pods can I have on a single network? How do I record a program I am currently watching on TV? After about an hour, the guide went from listing everything normally to saying "Regular Schedule". (It could take up to 24 hours to load all future guide information.) Want to learn how to use the Support Forums? It shows either "to be announced" or "title not available". Otherwise, try unplugging your converter, DTA or TiVo for 10 seconds and plugging it back in to re-start the channel guide download process. The reset button is generally located at the side or back of the Xfinity cable box. If the plan I pick is more than the monthly discount for broadband service, do I pay the extra myself? How do I set up Favorite Channels for the first time? I Unplug the cable box form the power source. SAME RESULTS- hung forever trying to get the guide. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". I have a converter, why do I constantly see "pixels," "tiling" or "little squares" at the bottom of my screen? Use these tips to fix the one moment please (Ref code: s0a00) message that appears on your TV when the cable box has stopped receiving the proper signal required to display that channel. That can be an alignment problem or faulty LNB. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Will Plume work in a home with thick walls? Show More. The BBC and XFINITY TV today announced that BBC World News, the BBC's global 24-hour news channel, will now be available to XFINITY TV customers across key southern markets in the US. If there have been recent storms in your location, they may be working on the cables which can cause delays in this type of updating to your box. I had the same issue. Do you have any tips for maximizing my Wi-Fi speeds? What if I don't have a username and password with Service Electric Cablevision? In the few cases where power-cycling has not worked immediately, the complication is generally a communication failure, so we recommend the following procedure: 2, power-cycle the receiver. How can I control access to certain programs on TV? Nothing else is wrong and we can watch what is on every channel. 's chan- I have to use my phone just to see whats on the guide :( Does anyone have a solution? And would that change anything with regard to how the guide is received? It does not store any personal data. If you are still seeing the "To Be Announced" messages for longer than a day on every channel, power cycle the cable box by unplugging it's power cable for 30 seconds and then plugging it back in. If the channel doesn't come back, please follow the steps below. Can more than one device access the Internet at the same time via a cable modem? Now every program on every channel says 'To Be Announced'. Yet I get NO Channel Guide Information it just says TO BE ANNOUNCED. After rebooting, the guide reappeared - or so I thought. Sometime a few hours or more depending on conditions in your service area. So disappointed to find out that CMT is no longer a part of Comcasts (Xfinitys) digital channel lineup. 1. Comcast Business in Springfield, IL. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. What is 3-Way Calling and how do I use it? It has been like this for over a week since i had it installed. I reset the primary DVR/Receiver, and I, New to the Community? The first step to try and restore the missing channels is to reboot the receiver. How does SECV's Phone differ from traditional phone services? How do you access the Program Information Screen? The Cox moderators said to unplug the DVR for 2 minutes. What is Caller ID w/ Name and how do I use it? How do I set up parental control on my TV? How do I request a channel not currently carried on my channel lineup? Don't you need to press Enter on this screen to go to the advanced setup? Can I just get SECV Internet without having to subscribe to TV service? On Saturday (3/21) everything was working normally. This is frustrating as (Edited per community guidelines). As of now there are hundreds of channels to scroll through. After rebooting, the guide reappeared - or so I thought. Can cable customers pay for individual channels? Copyright 2023 ElegantQuestion.com | All rights reserved. Why do I see a purple and green hue on my TV set? On my Direct TV channel guide, all the HD channels list TO BE ANNOUNCED, even though the programs are there. Let us know if you need further assistance. Once I've had the service, I'll give an update to hopefully conclude this thread. If your On-Screen Guide is displaying To Be Announced message, you may have recently experienced a power loss. What is Anonymous Call Rejection and how do I use it? Are all my devices capable of getting my maximum Internet speed? Find out how to restore missing channel and channel guide by refreshing your Direct TV equipment. Why am I being charged for more than one month of service on my first bill? Does Service Electric Phone Service Have E911 Service? We just returned from out of town to find the same issue. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This method works as a reset option, and it can be performed one more time if it didn't work the first time. What is the recommended download speed for TV Everywhere content? How do I return to watching an On Demand program after I've tuned to another channel? Where can I find a user guide for my DTA? Also ensure that if your set-top box is plugged into a Smart Power Strip, that the outlet is labeled Not Controlled. What is available to configure in the General Setup menu? Jul 9, 2008. Easily navigate top streaming apps including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Showtime, YouTube, Amazon Music, Pandora, iHeartRadio and soon Peacock and Hulu. We have had our new wireless receivers for a few months now. How do I watch a recorded show on the Watch SECV TiVo app? Xfinity advertises 125-140+ channels in Extra/Popular, 185-220+ in Preferred/Ultimate, and 185-260+ in Premier. Do I receive the funds directly each month? Now you're all set to enjoy your Xfinity authorized channels. 0TBVDE My Comcast Guide Says To Be Announced 1 Download Ebook My Comcast Guide Says To Be Announced When people should go to the book stores, search commencement by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in point of fact problematic. Settings & Messages > Settings > Network > Connect to the TiVo service now. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Locate the cable that runs from the back of your cable box to the wall outlet. I had the same problem . . The guide Data is sent from the SAT -on signal from the receiver constant - -that's how the guide data stays 14 days out ahead of time- but rebooting the genie (twice) the receivers sends a refresh (after dumping old guide info) requests the new info. Why does my converter display E07 and E09? 8. We've had the same problem for the last few days. Channel guide shows "to be announced" on every channel. How can I make sure to get the entire program for programs that run over the scheduled air time? Can I use my answering machine instead of the SECV voicemail? There was no way to break out so I could just select my channel number and watch. How to I setup Apple Single Sign On for an iOS Device or Apple TV? Can I record On Demand programming on my DVR? What information does the Program Information Screen contain? How do I access my voicemail from my home phone? If program information has not started to appear within 30 minutes, please contact one of our Customer Care representatives for further assistance. If I get to the end of an On Demand program and want to watch it again, can I restart at the beginning? After about an hour, the guide went from listing everything normally to saying "Regular Schedule". It happened to a lot of people so you are not alone. This video will show you two ways to reset your Comcast Xfinity cable box (specifically the X1 cable box). What if I forget my Parental Locks/Purchase PINs? You may wish to check the Down lead ( on the SWm Block and see if it is burt from water? I have a message on the screen that says "This channel should be available shortly." I can watch them. Swipe upwards on the preview of the app until it is no longer on the screen. Can I receive both the Affordable Connectivity Program and Lifeline benefits at the same time? I can watch them. Also it would be really nice if Xfinity streamlined their channel guide. Didn't work. I have only 1 Genie HD DVR and 2 Mini Genies (essentially client terminals running off the main unit). You need to get some real software developers. I have 1 Series 2 and 1 Series 3. This error can also occur when channels have recently been added to your TV box but the signal for the update has not yet been received. Why do I need SECV Internet service for TiVo Stream? Please allow up to 20 minutes for all channels to appear. On some but not all channels, guide will not show the program playing or scheduled. Question. Why do I no longer have the HBO App on TiVo? Can I stop my movie or show and go back to it later? For years, my iGuide (legacy) has had an issue where it will crash and reboot after 3-5 weeks. Reset your receiver to fix problems with your Direct TV service. How does i-Guide (Interactive Program Guide) work on my converter? What is the TiVo on-screen program guide? Every channel shows " to be announced". A forum for the discussion of Charter's Spectrum service. Is TVE available when I am traveling outside of the United States? Can I get digital services on all TVs in my home? My DiscoveryHD channel has been like that for weeks. [8] I don't have a 119 satellite. Step 1: Reboot the Sparklight digital receiver by removing the power cable from the back of the cable box. Choose from: Favorites (shows channels you have added to your favorites list) Use the arrow buttons to select a . 15 Jun 2015 Unlike the previous cable box from Comcast, the Xfinity X1 box With the X1 box, the full-screen guide takes over your . Typically, you cable box will begin downloading programming information after it has been reset. Watch live TV anywhere with Xfinity Stream, or use the TV guide to view airing dates, times, networks and channel numbers for upcoming TV shows and movies. to be announced xfinity stream web channel guide says to be announced on every channel for the past 2 days the guide on We use Cookies to optimize and analyze your experience on our Services, and serve ads relevant to your interests. Channel guide says 'To Be Announced' on every channel For the . It may take a few hours to completely re-load the information for your on-screen channel guide. Neither the buttons on the remote, nor the buttons on the converter itself work. Find out what channels are a part of your Xnity TV Plan. Without knowing the specifics we can only speculate. Have unplugged/ replugged. [10/12/21 - 06:01 AM] G4 to Launch on Verizon Fios, Cox, Xfinity TV, Philo and Twitch on November 16, 2021 Upon launch, G4 will debut linearly on the channel lineups of Verizon Fios, Cox, and . 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