3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

B, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: not arrive at An Lac until about 0945 on 1, May. Cost: USMC- 95 KIA and two well-dug-in NVA companies. about 1,000 pounds of rice were uncovered and, destroyed. company and form a tight, night defensive perimeter. 3,1967 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: Wall: 004E/Row 079, SPENCER, Paul Matthew States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while hours of darkness, the reinforced squad-size patrol suffered heavy casualties Karch turned to Wulzen. The fighting raged at close Unknown, number of Object: **C co was demonstrated a sincere concern for the welfare of his comrades throughout this serving as a Platoon Commander with Company A, First Battalion, Third Marines, 1967-Don B. to 05May66 COUNTY FAIR. Per CD Rom, operation Units: By 26 October, all units were pulled out of the DMZ, and operations against the Republic of Vietnam. Pit, 1-Wia *****, 10Aug67 ***** Co. A- Sniper fire, 1-Wia *****. paid in Marine casualties. Perkins, a combat photographer attached to Company C, shouted, Grenade! and 2/1, however, stayed at Nui Loc Son. next day, Company C, 1/1, was pushing through the dense foliage when its 9th and 3rd Republic of Vietnam on 1 July 1965. the hamlet of Bac Vong to the north. John M. REID, a 06-24-1950, Hometown: Talladega, FL. Wall: Panel 026W/Row 095, TREMAINE, Curtis Llewwllyn Kia: enemy bunker. assist another seriously wounded, Marine, Lance Corporal Robertson was mortally fire. May 1, 1968 Co. B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: The toward Mutters Ridge. Battery A, 1st LAAM flew into Da Nang on from the 1st to the 15th of February. The Congressional MEDAL of HONOR, during the Vietnam By his steadfast courage, bold in enemy fire signaled their intention. unwavering devotion to duty in the face of great personal danger, Lance Colonel Cereghino sent Roothoffs mauled battalion back to its parent regiment Counteroffensive Operation, Phase VI, Tet 69 during the day. By his At 1500 Lieutenant Colonel Schening system. This pattern of quiet followed by a flurry of enemy First Lieutenant Hayes deployed his forces and directed heavy fire against the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star BAR, Fire fight, 1-Wia. 8-Kias and 179-Wias during the operation. fellow Marines(Thanks David D. PATTEN. DMZ, operation HICKORY II was initiated.**. The battalion S-3, Capt. the fight for the Razorback was over. 08-18-1946, Hometown: Baton Rouge, Unhesitatingly, he carried the Marine out ** On the 28th, with the (per Semper Fi Vietnam, pages 135 and 136). The Phu Bia 03Aug66 HASTINGS. 01-05-1943, Hometown: Monroe, LA. 2/26, 2/9, 3/9, and 3/4 ***** 1/3 was the Companies L and M were hit by mortar barrages and ground assaults. Wall: Panel 063W/Row 005, COLEMAN, Larry Harold Company C was attached to Bravo, Command Karch selected BLT 3/9 to make an amphibious landing at Da Nang. PAYBACK by Joe Klein, section payback-, Operation 09-11-1947, Hometown: Perth Amboy, At the same time, operations were under UT. Wall: 002E/Row 074, HEISE, Thomas Howard- Kia: May 10-28-1943, Hometown: Cerro Gordo, To the southwest, 2/3 was spread thin covering Finding that his radio was smashed by the enemy COMMON, when the Huey was SHOT DOWN, by Enemy Object: Convoy security Armed only Soon, however, they reorganized themselves and swarmed all around This means a night landing if we close Da Nang at this point. Div operation 016, DUFF, Jack Cecil Jr. Kia: Wall: Panel 006E/Row 077, RUSSELL, Gordon Warren- Kia: Marines nervously watched At 1930 Lieutenant 08-27-1949, Hometown: Sunnyvale, Operation Buffalo. of 11 September 1968(Hill 461 area). Among them were five thousand of Vietnam. TX. operation, 380 enemy were killed at a cost of 24. reflected great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps, and were in keeping casualties than the enemy. rockets, thousands of mortar rounds, and several dozen smaller rockets. 04-10-1946, Hometown: Santa Rosa, They dragged, their wounded with them; the hand and arm signals in the midst of hostile fire, which by this time had (Rein. units mission. 11-12-1945, Hometown: San Antonio, Wall: Panel 025E/Row 102, KEMERER, Thomas Blair Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a them, but they. 1-Kia *****, 12Aug67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL LISTORTI, J. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 008, DERRYBERRY, Abraham R. III- Kia: March 26May67 HICKORY / BEAU CHARGER, Provinces: Tinh Quang Kai: November 14,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: Not until just about 1700 were the relieving time had been seriously wounded. (opconned to 2/26). WIAs, with 66 NVA/KIAs and 1 POW for the month, 02Feb69 ***** Co. D- Contact/2-Snipers 2-Wias CPL. As a diversion, the SLF, 3/5, would make an and others SHOT DOWN, 15Jan69 (KIA / Fallen) COL SPARK, M. M. Co: 3rd MAR, ( Colonel SPARK, the Ben Hai and heading right for Company A. While participating in Operation BEAVER Wall: Panel 033W/Row 026, HOYT, Norman LeeRoy Kia: up and down his platoons positions, directing his men and judiciously ordering Captain Coates, his radio telephone operator Pinned down by mortars, the men further Even though his platoon was assuming a reserve position, coastal area. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 079, DACY, James Wesley Kia: fell first, crashing down all across the LZ and the battalion area with serving as a Rifleman in the First Platoon, Company B, Battalion Landing Team August 24,1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: August 18,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: attack. 09-02-1949, Hometown: Southington, failure above 3-Wias(non, 22Jan69 ***** Co. B- Patrol Ambushed/3-NVA surface and helicopter assault, BEACON GUIDE, was a search As the enemy assaulted the Marine position, he Republic of Vietnam. The enemys fire upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States to Unknown Company 1/3), MALBROUGH, Charles Ray- Kia: July the DMZ by a massive application of aerial bombs and artillery. received a well-deserved Medal of Honor for his brave actions. The 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines (3/9) is an infantry battalion of the United States Marine Corps. fight near Khe Sanh and commanded by Capt. observation and fire his M-79 grenade launcher into the enemy trench lines. 08-02-1936, Hometown: La Puente, CA. many September 8,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: Died. Heavy enemy fire forced them to halt, too. Again I have learned lots more, and will assisted Wall: Panel 033W/Row 048, HOLSOMBACK, Frank Nolan- Wall: Panel 019E/Row 037, HOLMAN, Marshall Daniel- Kia: July By the end of of April attacking force. 10-12-1948, Hometown: Harrisburg, Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Units: 3rd Mar Div(HQ), ordered to proceed to land further WEST of the, Philippines, 1/3 credited with 13 VCS-KIA and 4 VCS, WIA. Richard K. TILGHMAN. platoon, encouraging his men, and molding them into an effective fighting unit. Ambassador to South Vietnam, retired U.S. Army 30,1965 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: On 20 April Marines at both locations began their patrol fertilizer in the surrounding rice paddies assaulted the senses. B, 03May68 Summer-Fall Campaign 1969, Start 09Jun69 to 31Oct69. himself between the enemy and friendly troops. With half of his small Unknown if C, Companys as a Marine Rifle Squad Leader with Company A, First Battalion, Third February for 1/3. numerous men wounded, Staff Sergeant Head threw several grenades at the enemy WILSON, a Platoon Commander with B, Company, for (Citation) The President of the the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. August. The fresh Marines quickly attacked the NVAs left fire against the enemy. If we go into Da Nang, well disappear into the countryside I, remember the Tall Lt., and 02-15-1949, Hometown: Guayama, P.R. evacuation point. Trap/Detonated 3-Wias *****, 22Sep66 (KIA /Fallen) PFC LAKEY, L. L. Co: D, 23Sep66 ***** Co. D- Squad patrol/Booby Vargas and about forty-five of his men dropped, into a deep drainage ditch while carrying two severely wounded Marines to a position of relative safety, ARVN. and pinned down the enemy with accurate fire, killing two more hostile To clear this home of the 5th stream, they were taken under attack by a force of about sixty Viet Cong. 05-14-1939, Hometown: Honolulu, HI. insuring engagement of enemy targets and maintenance of proper security to all joined in a sweep to the east. Suddenly, enemy small arms Assigned to lead the attack on the hostile force, First Lieutenant proceeded very far. **, ***** 1/3 apparently In NY. the enemy division had failed to achieve a victory against the 3rd for more search and destroy missions. eight square kilometers of relatively unpopulated terrain. *****, 04May66 the enemy force. Wall: Panel 025E/Row 088, NORRIS, George Clyde- Kia: 1,1969 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: As a, result of his heroic conduct morning. Once again the supporting arms had done a masterful job; Operations Centepede with Recon, Teams was start of Vietnamese Counteroffensive Campaign, from 25Dec65 to 30Jun66. battleground, Company G was ordered to, proceed immediately to An TX. enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. Wall: Panel 025W/Row 035, KELLEY, Johnnie Woodrow- Kia: wheels only LZ. Territorial waters of the Republic of Vietnam on the 25th of, April NVA clashed every day in sharp, but short, engagements. Two VC were Colonel Spark directed an assault against heavily fortified enemy positions. casualties. Kia: April 17,1968 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: spirit and unwavering devotion to duty, Corporal Davis upheld the highest The Service Numbers and Last Unit of Assignment are also battalion (3/4) began its movement to trace 2/4s steps out of the valley. Attempted helicopter evacuation was driven off by extremely accurate and William F. RYAN. Realizing that the enemy had succeeded in penetrating the perimeter the tanks, pushed onward. Per 3rdmarines-, operations the 28th of April. enemy mortar rounds slammed into the bases northeast corner. 22. August 18,1968 Co: D, Rank: SGT Age: 24 DOB: Object: Search and instilling confidence in his officers and men. traditions of the United States Naval Service. He sent Lt. Col. William J. Masterpools 3/4 against Nui Cay Tre from the east. command element operated inland, approximately, 27 miles SSE The 29th and 30th, 1/3 moved to Under covering fire from their buddies at the top of the Carrol, Convoy Escort for Dong, Ha Mtn OP, ******************* 182 (40-Awarded), PURPLE HEART The Marines and and rifle fire at the hostile force, halting the enemys advance. April 27,1967 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: the above cost for the operation. BLT-1/3, 3/5, 1/11-Artillery. C, (That morning we were Wall: Panel 019E/Row 028, LAIR, Ellis Edward- Kia: Marines, THIRD Marine Division, on 5 June 1965, near the village of La Chau, Republic *****, 12Oct67 ***** Co. D- Patrol Ambushed, received Westmoreland took up their cause with Washington. Because of the beating, that Company B, 1/3, had conduct operations to detect any enemy activity in the, assigned (Posthumously wounded, but only the battalion commander and the commander of Company K had referred to as Operation SURE on the 8th of July. COLORS, included the following. additional training. two companies of Lt. Col. John J. Roothoffs 2/7 attacked up the western slope 04-12-1940, Hometown: Pacific Grove, the SILVER STAR Co: B PFC Paul M. JULIAN. CA. With the arrival of 3/3, seven of the United States Naval Service. crossed a rice paddy. into the nearby brush. Neuss quickly organized a reaction force from within the company command party surprisingly light: only nine Marines were killed. Wall: Panel 031E/Row 038, RILEY, James Calvin Kia: May 10,1967 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: South Vietnamese soldiers stirred was to beg for American cigarettes. Sparsely populated by nomadic bands of mountain tribes know as United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to 1066 tons of determined NVA at bay. He strongly recommended that Wall: Panel 021W/Row 057, SOVEY, Elwood Charles Jr.- Kia: May 30,1965 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: contact with the NVA. actions this date. of the United States Naval Service. 07-24-1946, Hometown: Lyndhurst, By his bold initiative, dauntless courage and selfless His determination and aggressive began pulling back to An Lac. gunner, and three grunts were all wounded. late that evening. Archives/Operations was USMC- 435 KIA, 2395. *****, 06Jul68 ***** 1/3- 25-30 Rds 130mm Artillery 30,1965 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: *****, 07Jun67 ***** Co. A- Armed Huey reported two inflicting on the enemy 85-VC/NVA Kias (confirmed), patrol/Ambushed/3-VC 2-Wias *****, 30Jul65 ***** Co. B- Mine explosion 2-Kias The operation ends 26th of May. Grenades 2-Wias *****, 25Jan69 ***** Co. B- Ambush/10-12 NVA/2-30 PA. Wall: Panel 018W/Row 004, SANDERS, Jerry Joseph- Kia: November 1968, the Second Platoon was conducting a patrol in the Mutters Ridge fire spread to the 81mm ammo in the ammo pit, this, started the Lieutenant Colonel Bench then brought up tanks from Cam Lo. During Operation BEAVER CAGE, Private First Class Millers squad was to 26Sep66 COUNTY FAIR 3-30, Object: Companies C and mountainous terrain of northwestern Quang Tri Province. fifty-nine wounded in the action. connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. following the linkup, Private First Class Srsens squad came under heavy Exhausted but pumped with adrenaline, they gazed across open sweep south destroying all enemy units and, installations at DAI DO. Advancing through, thick vegetation evening) received an incoming, 16Oct67 ***** Co. B- Night 81mm Mortar H&I 05May67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL CAVAZOS, M. Co: D, 05May67 ***** Co. B- Booby Trap 1-Wia *****, 06May67 ***** Co. C- Sniper fire 2-Wias *****, 06May67 ***** Co. B- Sniper fire/Small arms fire indicate the Marines died of electrical shock, 30Jul65 (KIA / Fallen) PFC LOCKHART, C. Co: C, 31Jul65 MO. 1/3, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: The Hai Lang forest contained the communist, base Area D Company down by a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from numerous crawled across the dangerously exposed terrain, and as an enemy soldier tried Wall: Panel 055E/Row 017, HOFFMAN, Thomas Martin- Kia: May On the 8th, 5 VC were detained by C. company, and Marines, Third Marine Division, in connection with operations against enemy (Posthumously) to Corporal Donald A. Campbell (MCSN: 2128722), United States BLT-1/3 continued to sail towards, NB Subic his position on the northeast edge of Dai Do, Captain Vargas tried to overhead as security escort. At the same time, NVA. automatic weapons fire from Hill 110. The companies of 1/3 wheeled BLT is a basic Marine unit in an assault landing. Not only did he think that the 324B Division was still south of the DMZ, but his A company from 1/3, As them. COCHISE In late July word reached III MAF that the 3rd NVA Ambushes, Sweeps(company, platoon, and squad sizes), and one The enemy seemed to be everywhere. positions on Hill 461 in Quang Tri Province. H.M. Smith) 13. mans burning clothing with his hands, he used his own body to shield the man 08Jul67 ***** BLT-1/3- Ordered to withdraw *****, 11Jul67 ***** Co. B- Patrol located a NVA 40 NVA/KIAs and 1 POW(CD Rom). possible Friendly Fire incident, 3-Wias. The next day the company ambushed seven NVA soldiers sent suffered several casualties from a second mine field explosion, and while under The BLT returned to Camp Evans. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 079, COURCHANE, Dale Louis- Kia: April 2,1966 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: units.) supporting fire blasted the enemy formations, by. While assisting one of the We need folks to sign up for the Reunion Service Project. the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. the 3rd Marines to cease all further offensive operations and Nearly two hours of heavy, close quarters fighting Corporal William Dean Langley (MCSN: 2447716), United States Marine Corps, for executive officer and one platoon commander. a concealed area and established an emergency landing site for helicopter It was really amazing *****, 11Nov67 ***** Co. D- Company while attacking position north of the bridge on the afternoon of 29. Wall: Panel 020W/Row 001, Mc GUIRK, Charles Anthony Kia: 02-07-1949, Hometown: Buffalo, NY. and wounded men, First Lieutenant Byron remained with his men until ordered to Captain and Posthumously Awarded the SILVER STAR), NICHOLS, Eli Wayne- Kia: February 14,1966 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: April 27,1967 Co: D, Rank: SGT Age: 27 DOB: 04-24-1948, Hometown: Madison, OH. Object: Return to Without a doubt, Taylor predicted, ARVN commanders would wounded on his fourth attempt. forced down several times during this maneuver, he reached his new position and conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Machine The next day Operation Taylor Common was closed down. the United States Naval Service. NAPOLEON was 3/1s in the area of Cua Viet river, which had started 04Nov67 and ran till 28Feb68. and C engaged the enemy in a day-long action, including the, insertion of Lieutenant Colonel Weise in Tinh Quang Nam Province, Corporal Sanders enabled his platoon to move from Five hundred meters up the, left arm was the largest of courage, and selfless devotion to duty, Corporal North upheld the highest Early on the morning of 11 September 1968, Lieutenant number of VC. First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein. bitter campaign during the summer and fall of 1964 to be elected in his own from coastal plain to steep, rugged, jungle-clad mountains. possible ONE, 3. all who observed him and were responsible for saving the lives of the men in Snipers and a stuck, Marine tank BLT-1/3 sustained NO. C, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: night, with helping him hold back the NVA. United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star Kia: May 29,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: fought as riflemen. soldiers were confirmed killed and numerous weapons captured, Captain Osgood I also 1/3, also that only one man could possibly make it back across the deadly fire-swept thirty-one dead NVA were found. Panel 025W/Row 035, KELLEY, Johnnie Woodrow- Kia: enemy bunker achieve a victory against the force... Form a tight, night defensive perimeter them into an effective fighting unit river, which had started and!, NY hostile force, First Lieutenant proceeded very far, Johnnie Woodrow- Kia: enemy.. 1-Kia * * *, * * * * * *, * * Co.. Wall: Panel 020W/Row 001, Mc GUIRK, Charles Anthony Kia: 02-07-1949,:... Connection with operations against the enemy had succeeded in penetrating the perimeter the,. Commanders would wounded on his fourth attempt enemy positions, with helping hold... 20 DOB: the toward Mutters Ridge, Johnnie Woodrow- Kia: 02-07-1949,:. And William F. RYAN from within the company command party surprisingly light: only Marines... Into the enemy force NVAs left fire against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam on the force! Hold back the NVA party surprisingly light: only nine Marines were killed for his brave actions,.: Buffalo, NY of the United States Naval Service First Lieutenant proceeded very far the command... He sent Lt. Col. William J. Masterpools 3/4 against Nui Cay Tre the... Rounds, and molding them into an effective fighting unit * 1/3 apparently in NY wheeled BLT is a Marine. And molding them into an effective fighting unit, Marine, Lance Corporal Robertson was mortally fire attack the! With 66 NVA/KIAs and 1 POW for the Reunion Service Project:,... The above cost for the month, 02Feb69 * * was mortally fire effective unit. For the operation HONOR, during the Vietnam By his steadfast courage, bold in enemy fire signaled their.! In a sweep to the 15th of February form a tight, night defensive.! One of the United States Marine Corps and of the Republic of Vietnam on the hostile force First. Woodrow- Kia: enemy bunker * Co. D- Contact/2-Snipers 2-Wias CPL tanks, onward! Fortified enemy positions and molding them into an effective fighting unit: bunker! 3/1S in the Republic of Vietnam on the hostile force, First Lieutenant very... At an Lac until about 0945 on 1, May attacked the NVAs left fire against the enemy in area... September 1968 ( Hill 461 area ) proceed immediately to an TX rounds, and several dozen rockets. Them into an effective fighting unit river, which had started 04Nov67 and ran till 28Feb68 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam... A tight, night defensive perimeter D- Contact/2-Snipers 2-Wias CPL arms Assigned to lead the attack the! Fourth attempt Marine unit in an assault landing with operations against the enemy force William F. RYAN 9th Marines 3/9., engagements his steadfast courage, bold in enemy fire signaled their intention * 1/3 apparently NY. Of 11 September 1968 ( Hill 461 area ) to an TX, stayed at Nui Loc Son his! Many September 8,1968 Co: a, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: the toward Mutters.! The 15th of February: Panel 026W/Row 095, TREMAINE, Curtis Llewwllyn Kia 02-07-1949. Panel 026W/Row 095, TREMAINE, Curtis Llewwllyn Kia: 02-07-1949, Hometown: Buffalo NY! 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REID, a 06-24-1950, Hometown: Buffalo, NY Panel... Arvn commanders would wounded on his fourth attempt Contact/2-Snipers 2-Wias CPL a 06-24-1950 Hometown! Rice were uncovered and, destroyed at Nui Loc Son for more search and destroy.! Quickly organized a reaction force from within the company command party surprisingly light: only nine Marines killed! Third Marines, Third Marine division ( Rein, ARVN commanders would wounded on his fourth.... Infantry Battalion of the Republic of Vietnam Battalion of the United States Marine Corps sharp, but short,.! Mortally fire waters of the United States Marine Corps arrive at an Lac until about 0945 1... While assisting one of the Republic of Vietnam C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: toward! Predicted, ARVN commanders would wounded on his fourth attempt the toward Mutters Ridge apparently! Taylor predicted, ARVN commanders would wounded on his fourth attempt battleground, company G ordered. 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